Deal with the Devil

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The thick silence does not seem to break at any moment. Nedzu is just staring at him with an unreadable expression. Midoriya, how has a teen such as yourself come to a point such as this? Are you being forced to or do you enjoy doing your job? The boy is quite the interesting case. He can be arrested for being an accomplice, but knowing the kid, he'd be able to worm his way out of the trial and be a free man. The boy does not seem like someone who plays around when it is a serious situation. Oh, how Nedzu will want this boy to be his student! The things he can teach him, the skills that he can strengthen! He sees it as a good offer, after all the boy can make his business negotiations better. "Pray tell why you want the number two hero arrested?"

Izuku licks his lips, grabbing his mask and running a hand over the feathers. "'A hero who commits a crime—whether it be a good reason or not—shall be stripped of their license while an investigation shall be conducted to prove them guilty or innocent.' Article X paragraph five." He tilts his head to the side as he recalls the next law. "'A hero who causes property damage that harms a civilian shall have their license revoked and cannot maintain it for a year or until proven otherwise.' Article X paragraph eight." Toxic green eyes meet beady black ones, showing the rage and disdain he feels for the so-called hero who continues being praised while his closet is being filled with a constant pile of skeletons. "In other words, he's a murderer—both directly and indirectly."

Yes, I remember the two. If anything, that cannot be proven without any evidence. This boy, he does not seem to be the type to lie about this. It would also explain why Todoroki has been attacked by many villains lately. Nedzu, though, sees this as an opportunity. If he can get more info then he may as well manipulate the boy into his bidding by holding this over his head. "That's quite a serious accusation. Can you prove it?""

"It's not an accusation when it's the damn truth. My father can give you all of the files we have gathered on the pyromaniac, the videos that his spies hold, and every witness that that monster has threatened. He has deliberately killed innocent people so that all his secrets can remain a secret. My father holds a few of those innocent people under witness protection, so tell me, how is he a good hero?" A pause then he lets out a small chuckle. "He's the only person I will sell to the devil for a corn chip. So that should tell you how much I despise the son of a bitch."


"He killed my mother. My father wants him dead or incarcerated. If you don't do this then, I can ruin the name of heroes for good and have the public turn on you. Any of these questions," he says pointing to the paper, "the value will rise until you cannot pay for it yourself. I am not a child that you want to mess with, for if I have to, I will become the villain that tips the balance between good and evil. You do not want that, do you?"

Nedzu waits for a second to let the boy continue and when he doesn't, he takes it as his cue to speak, "This is a difficult task. It cannot be included in the contract. We might not even know if he will get a sentence. As you have said, and if it is true, then he has threatened people to keep silent. How do you know that they will even speak out?" He doesn't seem to show any worry like the hero wanted. That does not sit well, especially when a sinister gleam brightens in those toxic eyes. The look of a killer. This fifteen year old would kill someone and he wouldn't blink. This kid, there is nothing right about him. He needs to get the boy some help, but that cannot happen if this child does not get what he wants or accept the proposition.

Izuku sighs, blinking and the gleam is gone. The principal would've thought he had imagined it if it isn't for the next few statements. The child looks up at him, seeming to have thought it over. "Fine. But if you do not have him incarcerated by the year is up, our contract will be nullified and I will kill him myself. Kapeesh?"

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