Answers? A deal?

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Izuku had been working on an informant job when it had happened. The night was a long one. He was in a bar, only being let in because of the person he was meeting. The villains in the bar all turn to look at the young looking villain but they know how valuable the kid was. They know what would happen if they so much as touch him without permission. He's under a lot protection from different groups of villains and a few heroes here and there, but those aren't as reliable at protecting him like the villains. The whole thing was a set up and he hadn't been able to see it coming. Apparently, the villain he was giving answers to had given him up, saying that he was the person who was behind the entire operation of their latest attack. That was not the truth, he only gave him information and the criminal avoided telling the heroes about the informant part since he didn't want to die. Somehow, during the meeting the villain convinced the boy to leave the bar and head to a more secure place so they can talk. That led to a few quips and disgusted looks from the teenager. "Wow, aren't you desperate to get laid," he said, cracking up. "First, I need to know what hero you want to know about then we'll see if I'll leave with you."

  "I want to learn more about All Might," he stated clearly. He was not beating around the bush. No, he wants to burn the bush to get his information and get this kid out of his hair. He has brought too much on him and he wants this kid to remove the damned contract. The cackling from their table drawed too much attention that the villain squirmed. He glared at the runt with ferocity. "What's so funny?"

  "You have nothing that offers an equal deal to learning about HIM!" He fell into another round of snickers, shaking his head. He releases a small calming breath, waving off the other patrons and apologizing to them for the interruption of their night. "Okay. How about I give you information about Endeavor for ten thousand yen and a bag of chips? Simple. You don't lose too much money for a pathetic hero."

  Endeavor? He's the number two hero and information on him is worth for barely anything. Whatever. "Deal. Now let's go somewhere no one will overhear."

  Once alone, he opened his mouth to speak, but then he was being wrapped up by a certain white fabric known to be Eraserhead's capture weapon. Fuck. "Eraserhead, you're here. That must mean—" he didn't finish and he didn't have to, his glare at the villain was enough. "Oh, your contract. That's what you want, huh?" He watched as the villain dropped, gripping his wrist as he writhed on the ground with a few screams. "Technically, you didn't violate your contract so it won't kill you, but it hurts, doesn't it? The contract won't be nullified, you brought the pain onto yourself."

  "Stop talking. You're under arrest, Raven."

  That's what happened. He was played by a villain but still didn't get what he wanted. The wolves will have at the sheep soon enough.

* * *

The silence is thick with emotion—emotion on Toshinori's side. He is full of shock that the quirkless boy whose dreams he blatantly crushed is sitting in front of him for having been acquainted with villains. The boy licks his lips, clicking his tongue while shaking his head. "Wow," he mutters. "So I don't reveal who you are to your enemies but you reveal who I am to mine. That's great to know." He mockingly sighs in disappointment. "Well, I guess I don't need this anymore." He removes the mask and reveals the face of a young teenager. He seems overly cheerful, smiling at him with a sickly sweet smile.

  "Oh, so you two know each other, Yagi?" Nedzu speaks up, tilting his head to the side and glancing between the two.

  "Oh! Nedzu! I almost forgot you were here!"

  "Somewhat. We've met before—"

  "A year ago today to be exact! I forgot about that, but hey, why would I ever want to remember the day my dream was crushed by the number one hero? Although," he draws out tapping his cheek with the one free hand, almost as if he's thinking. He continues, "that is not the reason I'm here. I want to know a few things but, again, with Nedzu's presence it hinders my plan. You can see through me easily, you're too smart for me to dance around you. Your mind is not as fragile as everyone else's here!" The smile of happiness comes back as he takes in the U.A's principal. "That is just a great thing after all! It makes this more fun!"

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