What is going on? Or Lost Toshinori

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The dorm system is something Shouto will have to get used to. Endeavour is gone and in jail—thanks to the investigation and the evidence from his older brother, Natsuo, and the evidence from his oldest sibling, Touya who hasn't spoken to them or gotten in contact with them after that. They haven't seen him at all, yet he somehow knew of the investigation. All Might has officially retired. The trust in heroes has dwindled but with the way things are going, well, the trust will slowly rise as long as no one tries to say anything or bring facts up against the heroes any time soon. Of course, with the luck that they have been having lately, it'll all fall to one person in general. Since his arrival at U.A. a lot of things have been happening, things that have no explanation other than his link to the villain organization. If the way things are going lately continues to happen, it could slowly unravel everything that heroes have been working for so long. It will become utter chaos and they do not need that to happen any time soon. 

  Midoriya Izuku is staying with them—well, the last one is quite odd. Midoriya came back a week after the summer camp incident and his first reaction is to hug Shinsou, something the dual-haired male hadn't understood until he remembered the conversation he had with the brainwasher. He guessed that they must've gotten together sometime after Midoriya woke up. When asked what happened and why he wore bandages around his wrists, he gave Shouto's classmates a smile. One that was not cruel or sinister but one of reassurance. He told them not to worry about it. Although, despite being terrible at socializing, Shouto is not a dimwit. Something clearly had happened; Shouto couldn't forget the way Shinsou acted during the time Midoriya wasn't there. He linked the bandages and the—well, everything else to a final conclusion. The conclusion isn't one that can be confirmed by asking just anyone but one person in particular.

  "You attempted suicide," he comments being completely blunt with it, having been able to catch him alone in the kitchen one night. He had gone down to get a drink of water but ended up running into the green-haired devil himself drinking coffee. This would be the only time he'd see him alone without it being their normal scheduled quirk sessions.

  Midoriya turns to look at him, scrutinizing him with those acidic eyes. Shouto resists the urge to look away, continuing to keep his gaze locked with the shorter male. "I did no such thing. It was more of an attempted murder framed to be a suicide." He nurses the hot drink in his hands, glancing down at it. Midoriya is silent for a second, almost seeming to weigh what he should say. "But good guess. It'll probably explain a lot for some of the things that had happened. I heard what happened. I'm sorry I couldn't have stopped Shigaraki like last time."

  "What? Last time you almost died trying to stop him. Bakugou is safe, no one is dead. That's all that counts, right?" Something about the look on Midoriya's face is unsettling. His green curls hang, draping over his face in resemblance of a curtain. He is hiding something; he knows that much which leads to the question of what and why. He bids him goodnight and watches him ascend the stairs to his room. Just what are you hiding, Midoriya? Todoroki keeps to himself, wondering just how to find out what the other is hiding.

  That night, if anyone had heard the conversation, no one ever came forward and said anything. They both know their conversation had been heard, what with their classmates having heightened senses and all. Todoroki knows at least two people had eavesdropped on the conversation, but he isn't sure who. 

* * *

Midoriya is helping them. The provisional license exam is coming up and they're working on their super moves and some of them are having trouble in that field. Midoriya huffs softly, muttering something to himself which Aizawa responds with a death glare. Whatever was said, it's never voiced loud enough for any of them to hear. Both of their gazes follow the injured and retired number one hero's form as he limps over to the students and gives them advice.

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