Contract with a deadbeat villain

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I'm back. Finally. I can't believe how long it took me to update this story.

Mirio is bouncing his foot, biting his bottom lip as he stares at the ground. He has been feeling like he was disappointing Sir Nighteye and All might at the same time. His grasp on One For All had been firm from the beginning but it seems that instead of growing and getting stronger with the quirk, his grasp and ability to actually use it started to slip. He cannot control the quirk no matter how hard he tries. His progression has come to a stop. It's embarrassing. Disappointing even. If his grip of control keeps getting flimsier, then how could he become a worthy hero? One that saves a million? He can't do that if he cannot progress! He has to keep going! He has to be able to control One For All!

  Mirio glances up to peer up at the sky. He sits outside the school on one of the stone benches, waiting for someone. His mentor, waiting for the man who he disappointed. And it doesn't seem that it'll be a long wait either. They are to stay on campus for their own safety. "Young Mirio?" comes the soft voice of his mentor. The voice while expected still surprised him.

  Jolting slightly, his eyes widen and he stares at his mentor. "All Might!"

  "Please, Young Mirio, call me Toshinori." The older blond's face goes from cheerful to opting a worried expression. He can see through him easily, knows that something is wrong. He doesn't have to look him in the eyes to know. He's known when he spoke for this meeting. "Is something the matter, Young Mirio?"

  Mirio takes a step back, feeling bad for having worried his mentor. It's almost like he can't do anything right, he only seems to fail. "I think you made a mistake in choosing me," he says bluntly. It's best if he just rips off the bandage, no use in skirting around the topic. If he hadn't done this, then he would've lost the nerve and where would he be then? Probably be in his room moping and regretting that he didn't say anything sooner.

  "What do you mean, Young Mirio?"

  "I can't control One For All! I just can't! I try and try and try but I can't! I just can't! I failed you! I failed Sir! I'm sorry! I'm sorry I can't be what you want me to be!" The blond teenager bowed lowly at his mentor in apology, feeling terrible that he chose wrong.

  "Mirio," says the retired number one hero, placing a hand on his shoulder. "I didn't choose wrong. It's okay. You still have a long time to work with One For All."

  "But," he whispers, staring with wide eyes. "I haven't progressed in months! I haven't, I'm stuck. I'm stuck in the same place and it seems that I won't progress any more!"


  "Mirio!" The two blonds look up to see Mirio's friend, Najire come running up to them with fear etched onto her facial features. She looks horrified, eyes blown wide and tears spilling down her face. The young blond holds his arms out, catching her as she launches herself against him. She's trembling and in fear.

  "Na-Najire?" he whispers, running his hand through her long hair in an attempt to comfort the poor girl. He doesn't know what's wrong. She is usually happy and smiling bright smiles most days, rarely is she this sad. "What-what's wrong?"

  "It's Tamaki! It's—" She steps back to look her friend in the eye, bottom lip trembling a bit before she breaks down into sobs. "He's in the hos-hospital! It's, i-i-it's . . ." She gasps out incoherent words and wrings her hands with nervousness, big fat tears rolling down her face as she attempts to break the news.

  "Najire," he says gently. Worry and fear grip his heart, squeezing it harshly at hearing his friend's status. The reasoning behind him being admitted to the hospital is lost in the mumbled and stuttered words. Right now, he's attempting to calm the blue-haired girl down. "It's okay. Look at me, look at me. Shh, take a deep breath. It's okay." He rubs her back in between the shoulder blades, knowing that that calms her down quicker. "What hospital is he at right now?" he inquires, hoping to get her to speak just a little more.

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