USJ Incident and Old Pawns

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The villains are staring at the teenager. They are skittish, not sure if they should attack. The teenager holds too much over them. They are the marionettes to his puppet show. He is the puppeteer, pulling the strings by using the contracts against them. They could only watch as the warp gate is surrounding the students of U.A. They know that this is not the best idea, especially if Raven is here. No, if Ryuu finds out that they attacked his son—well that will mean being burned alive. The leader does not know just what is going to happen if word gets out to him. Just how suicidal is this guy?

  The U.A. students are mingling, trying not too get close to the warp who is blocking the entrance. He hasn't been given the word just yet and the heroes aren't doing anything. Aizawa is glancing between the cowering villains and the smirking teenager. He flashes back to the night he captured the kid and bring him for questioning. The villain that had sold Midoriya out, dropped to the ground and started screaming and writhing in pain. "Technically, you didn't violate your contract so it won't kill you, but it hurts, doesn't it?" So, he can cause pain through the contract and he can kill people. He will hate to see what else he can do. "Thirteen—"

  "Don't," intervenes Izuku, looking at him. "Not yet. Let me handle what I can, one of you try to contact the main campus."

  Aizawa gives him a harsh look, shaking his head. "You cannot talk your way out of this. How can I trust you with this? You're little friends—"

  Those sharp, acidic eyes rip into him. The fury in them, the clenched fist that is trembling at his side. It cuts him off, especially seeing the paleness of his face. He is in pain, that much he can see. "Just trust me please. I can't do anything other than that. Not right now, so if I can talk long enough, it may at least let one person get away to get through." He doesn't get an answer as he walks forward. Pushing his sleeves further up, he clenches his fists tightly as he takes a deep breath and gathering his anger. "Shigaraki Tomura, call your damn pet off!"

  "Midoriya Izuku!" shouts, who Aizawa thinks is, Shigaraki Tomura with giddiness in his voice, clapping his hands. "It's been a while! I do must ask, what are you doing here? I didn't think you even cared about heroes!"

  Izuku scowls, a deep growl coming from his throat. He steps another forward, making some of the villains flinch and take a step back. They are restless, not wanting to go against Shigaraki but also do not want to fight against Ryuu's son. If one thing or another happens, they die. "These people are under my protection, Tomura! If you harm them, I'll have your pathetic little army turn against you—just how many people do you think is under my influence?"

  "Come on, Izu! I thought we were friends!" Tomura laughs as he takes a step forward, some of the villains parting like the Red Sea parted for Moses. Some are jittery in seeing Raven and others just don't like Tomura, knowing what his quirk can do. "At least let us have fun! We all came so far to kill All Might! Just give him to us!"


  Shigaraki falters in his path. He does a double take, almost like he seems to not have heard him correctly. "No? Honestly, Izuku, I really did hope we were actual friends! I thought we had a special bond!" His voice grows deadly as he asks sharply, "Why are you getting in my way?"

  "No because you're only my pawn until I don't need you." The chilling smile takes his face. "And I don't need you anymore." He steps forward again, his voice growing colder and his eyes getting deadier with each step he takes again. "You are not killing All Might, you are not going to hurt anyone. What you are going to do is leave and hope that I never see you ever again! So let me tell you again, call your damn pet off. Or else."

  "You're quirkless, what are you gonna do?" Though, he does know. They had worked together once and the things he saw the kid do painted him impressed and interested in having him become a villain, but that never happened. He is too deadset letting both sides and whatever is in between rip at each other and let them destroy the world.

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