Nedzu's Personal Student

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If Izuku was shameful, he would not be happy in seeing the expression that appeared on Yagi's face, but he isn't. He is shameless and grins widely, enjoying—no, basking in pleasure at the fury and horror that displays across the man's face. The way his fist clenches as he tries not to hit something, to use his quirk that he received from the woman who died against the sick monster that is still alive from the horrid fight. He smiles cruelly when the man turns away from him, excusing himself out as he cannot take seeing such an expression on the boy who seemed to be so kind and innocent a year ago. The boy who he had crushed his dreams by telling him what he has heard every single moment of every single day since he was four years old. Now, he relishes in the way he was able to hurt him. He hit him in one of the wounds he has. His left side throbs a little at the reminder of what had happened.


Toshinori jumps and whips around to face the owner of the voice. "It's just you, Eraserhead," he breathes in relief, rubbing his forehead.

"Are you okay?"

He nods. "Just something Young Midoriya said to me. It—it isn't a good thing. I—" he falls silent as his hand finds itself to the wound. "I—Did you get ahold of his father?"

"Yes. Apparently Midoriya Hisashi is out of country. He is working abroad and hasn't seen his son in person in years. They usually just talk on the phone and video chat. The kid usually just stays with his father's cousin at night." Aizawa pushes his hair back, not once showing any emotion. "He does not attend any high school and this is how he brings home money for himself, since she doesn't even go home until late. She basically does not take care of Izuku because of work. Midoriya said that one of us can take care of him or leave him on his own at their apartment. If you or Tsukauchi is willing, the boy can live with one of you and go to school without having to take the train early in the morning."

"What about you?" The expressionless look is enough of an answer. Yagi sighs and runs a hand through his blond hair, dropping it to his side. He doesn't see that as a good idea, especially since he can see the outright disgust and hatred that the teen has for the number one hero. "He might be better off with Naomasa. He doesn't seem to hate the man as much as he hates me. Plus the two have a contract together so it may be best that he is with him."

Aizawa nods and heads into the interrogation room, looking at the kid who is staring at him with tired eyes and a look of accomplishment. He does not like that look at all, then he remembers what Toshinori said and he can't help but sigh. Apparently it was so bad that it freaked out the number one hero, sent Nedzu into a deep thought, and Tsukauchi is wearing a guarded expression. "Are we done here? I really do want to sleep and now you don't have to deal with me attempting to escape since I have a contract to uphold. So what did my father say? Will he be giving you the files? A message for me?"

"You can live with either Yagi or Tsukauchi. I don't trust you being on your own, especially after this. Your father is going to send the files to you via email and you're to do as we say. He expects you to be obedient."

Midoriya sighs muttering under his breath, but it's not loud enough for them to catch. He rubs his eyes and nods to his words. Tsukauchi tells him that he'll be staying with him since he knows it'll be better for him to stay with him instead of Yagi. Naomasa tells them they can leave now and get sleep, turning to Izuku and telling him to come with him. Midoriya blinks but nods, gathering his things and follows the detective out of the room, yawning widely. He covers his mouth as he doesn't want to seem rude. Once he gets his other things, they get into the car and once on the road, Izuku takes his chance and falls asleep.

* * *

"Midoriya, wake up." Tsukauchi opens the door to find the boy struggling to put on his tie. A small smile comes to his face as he walks in and taks the two ends. "I'm guessing no one ever taught you?" No answer but he can feel those green irises on him, watching and remembering the movements that he uses to do the tie. He is silent, expressionless, and just watching. He studies him and his movements. He doesn't think that he has to say anything for him to know that the scrutinizing gaze makes him feel extremely awkward. Naomasa doesn't know why he fell silent when he was quite chatty, finding amusement in trying to get into his mind back at the police station, so why is he quiet now? He doesn't question it.

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