Stained red, such a beautiful color!

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Izuku returned back to the announcer box when he was supposed to. Upon opening the door, he was met with the slight concerned (mostly bored) gaze from Aizawa, who handed the young informant a slip of paper, and upon reading it, he sighed. He walked out of the room, telling them that he would call Tsukauchi. If they had anything to tell him, to go outside the room and do so. He leaned against the wall, speaking as quietly as he could without muttering. He told his temporary guardian the whole Stain scenario going on in Hosu. He explained to him about everything he needed to know about Stain, telling him that once they have him in custody to alert him. The guy is swamped in debt.

  "What happens if he doesn't have what he owes you when we do have him?"

  "Oh, just his internal organs will melt and he'll be vomiting and coughing up blood. In the next few minutes, he'll be dead. I can nullify the contract before that, but it depends on the situation and how debt ridden he is."

  "Why are you so casual about that?"

  "My job for a year now. I got used to it. Now, I have to go." He hung up, heading back into the announcer's room. Izuku sat down again, watching the second round commence. I've missed so much already? Damn—oh well. "Poor Tokoyami, Hatsume is pulling him around like a dog on a leash."


"Poor Tokoyami, his teacher is a dimwit," adds in Eraserhead, earning snickers from the crowd and a snort from the boy in between them.

Wonder if they had been able to—goddammit! He opened the text and found out that Stain had escaped after gravely injuring a hero. Oh, Iida will not like this one bit. This would only hinder some of his plans. Just only some.

As the battle continued, Todoroki wouldn't use his left side. In one particular moment, Midoriya groaned. He slams his head on the counter muttering how Todoroki should use his left side, and fuck Endewhore and how he is—backtracking and saying how he should not call him that since he is insulting "The Whore of Babylon"—an embarrassment for a number two hero that even villains agree he isn't a hero, and how Satan wouldn't want him at all. "I mean, I tried selling him to Satan on multiple accounts, the damn bastard didn't want him."

"You're sixteen—fifteen—you shouldn't be selling people to the devil. Wait until your twenty."

Izuku gives him a look of disbelief. "Shouldn't you act like a responsible adult and condemn me from summoning and dealing with Satan?"

"Eh, not my place. Ask your father about summoning the king of hell and if it's bad."

"Dude, my dad could possibly be the king of hell and me not know it until he decides to tell me."

"Yeah, I can see it. I've spoken to him."

"A charming guy, don't you think?"

"Define charming."

"Yeah, you're right."


They look at each other and in unison, they said, "Well latida tell them to learn how to not get distracted. If this was a real battle, they'd be dead."

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