Flashback scene? Yes please

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Well, this story is coming to an end. This and 3 more chapters.

It had been a while since the last confrontation. Hitoshi was sitting with Shimura cracking jokes and teasing Midoriya who still remained unconscious. The two males had grown close the entire time, helping each other cope with what had happened to their friend. The time passed slowly today, dragging on as if there wasn't much of anything to go off. Despite everything, the one who put Midoriya in the hospital had yet to show up again. Although, Hitoshi suspected that something must have happened going off by the way Shimura had been acting since he first greeted him. A look in his eyes showing his anger and ferocity similar to a caged animal, yet there was a gleam full of giddiness. Hitoshi sighed and leaned back against the plastic chair.


Both of the males shot to their feet, their gazes settling on each other before falling onto the patient who was finally waking up from a small coma. Facial expression scrunched up slightly, eyelids blinking open and staring blearily at the ceiling. "Izuku?" they both whispered simultaneously, both reaching out to grab the boy's hands.


"You're awake!"

Hitoshi recoiled slightly when he saw the flinch that came after his excited yell. He shouldn't have spoken that loud, especially with someone just now waking up from being in an attack. "No." The boy started thrashing in his bed, slapping their hands away. "Ge-get-get hic a-away from me!" His eyes were blown wide, unfocused as he stared at Shimura, keeping his hands close to his chest as so that he wouldn't touch them.


"No!" Then he stopped, his eyes dull and staring blankly at nothing.

"Izuku, follow my breathing, okay?" Hitoshi worked with him calming him down, using a gentle voice as he held his shoulders. His words were soft and full of care as he spoke to him, "Shimura isn't going to hurt you, none of us will. Everything will be okay."

The quirk loosened its hold on the teenager's brain and the green-haired boy was left blinked slowly as he took in his surroundings. He stared at both them, his eyebrows crinkling in confusion. "To-Toshi?" He looked over to the red-eyed male. "Tenko?"

They both sighed in relief and gave him a small reassuring smile. "Hey," spoke Tenko. He reached forward but drew his hand back at the slight flinch. A look of guilt crossed his face, almost unsure how to continue on from that. Hitoshi watched him close his eyes and take a breath. "I'm sorry, Izuku."

He shook his head. Shinsou could see the internal struggle, the uncertainty of how to react with everything. His viridian eyes landed on the bandages around his wrists, slight hurt on his face. "Did you-? You two don't think I did this to myself, right?"

They hesitated for a good minute, both unsure about how they should answer. Hitoshi spoke this time, "At first we did." He saw the sadness and deep frown that overtook his face and quickly continued, "But, with everything that happened and Detective Tsukauchi working, we found out that it was more of an attack on you. Tenko, he didn't think you would ever do something like this. He trusted you a lot, I'm sorry for doubting."

It was quiet. The silence that blanketed them was a thin sheet for what felt like an eternity before any words were spoken again. "It's okay, Toshi. I'm just glad people know the truth."

"Not many people do. Some of the doctors still believe you did it to yourself and that we are coming up with this idea as a way to cope. I mean, they don't know you or anything, so what do they know?" Shimura scowled, running a hand through his hair. He muttered under his breath, growling incoherent sentences in anger and annoyance. He always spoke of great distaste of the doctors for their misunderstanding of the situation despite that it was their job to be sure until the patient spoke up about the situation.

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