It Doesn't Matter

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Trigger warning. Don't read the italicized paragraphs if you're bound to get triggered no matter how vague.

Hitoshi is frowning at the message but sighs. Midoriya needs time and he'll give it to him. The brainwasher isn't going to force the boy to hang out with him, to speak with him. Hitoshi sighs again, rubbing his face as he slouches in his seat. He barely pays attention to the lesson that Mic is teaching, constantly glancing out the window and glaring at the green and blue and light gray dotted here and there with more vibrant colors. And yet, for some reason, all he sees is the dull colors that litters the vibrant and colorful world.

What does he even want to tell me? Shinsou taps his finger on the desk, propping his head on his palm. His eyes glaze over as he falls into a deep thought, eyes unfocused but fixed onto the world outside of the classroom. He glances down at his hands, thinking with a deep-set frown on his face. For some reason, a bad feeling sweeps over him out of the blue. No matter how hard he tries to ignore it, it gets worse. His chest feels tight with concern and he doesn't understand why. Why is he feeling this? What is wrong?

  Something is wrong. He grips his pencil as he glares at the back of Bakugou's head. If he knows anything, the reason that boy isn't an actual hero is probably because the blond in front of him played a key role.

* * *

It may be his paranoia. It has to be his paranoia. Today is way too quiet and peaceful. Tranquil. Finally. No villains—no problems. A few criminals here and there but nothing else. A few found it suspicious while others decided to enjoy it while it lasted. Everyone has their fun or they kicked back and relax—Naomasa isn't doing that . He has paperwork to fill out on some criminals that he had at to do so, not to mention the fact that there are a few criminals still being apprehended here and there. The man sighs and rubs his wrist, blinking harshly and rubbing his eyes as he feels a sudden drowsiness overtake him.

  The detective sighs once again as he runs a hand down his face twice, rubbing his eyes and temples while trying to focus on the documents in front of him. For some reason he just couldn't concentrate no matter how hard he tries. His mind continues to veer off to thoughts on Midoriya. Why is he constantly thinking about the boy today? He is at U.A so there's nothing wrong. He won't be in any danger. There hasn't been any attacks lately so everything should be fine.

  It's only paranoia, he argues with himself. It's nothing. He probably shouldn't have fought himself with that. He should've known it wasn't nothing.

He's in the bathroom, eyelids heavy as he stares at one certain place. Dull green eyes watch the water fill up the tub with hot steaming water. The sound of rushing water reaches his ears as he knows. He knows but it doesn't matter. It never matters. It never did. Naivety to think it ever mattered.

Tsukauchi hasn't had a lot of criminals to deal with lately—a good thing but also odd. It has to be his paranoia. Why else would he be fidgety? He glances at the clock and frowns. It's already 4:00 p.m. This means, Midoriya should be at home right now unless he decided to stick back and finish and work that Nedzu had left him, but then again, he could always do that at home. The detective, rubs his temples again at the sudden upcoming headache.

  His eyes are on the report of Endeavour, the one from not too long ago. Property damage and a few civilian casualties. Endeavour is a jerk. They know they shouldn't have stopped the investigation, but after the constant reports and witnesses going missing (some winding up dead), something had to be done and closing the case for a while was what they needed to do. After all, since Endeavour had threatened to sue them and if he won the case, they wouldn't be able to start another case on him. The man is the devil himself (somewhere in hell, the devil shudders). Naomasa isn't going to have this man continue with his evil deeds, but it has to be silent and where no one would be able to know.

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