O Father! My Father!

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". . . thank the anonymous hero who had brought the Hero Killer behind bars . . ."

"Tsukauchi! They're calling me a hero!" whines Midoriya as he flops onto the couch where the poor detective is sitting and being hugged by the young informant, who is crying crocodile tears. Izuku doesn't like this. He just wanted to get his payment and get his revenge on Stain for causing such a problem for the young teenager. The adult is being shaken in a fuss that his ward is being thought of as a hero—something that he never thought he'd ever hear from a child the kid's age. "Why didn't you tell them that it was an actual hero? Or you?"

"Kid, stop shaking me. I wasn't in charge of it and they will find out eventually. Just lay low next time and stop making contracts," he scolds, pushing the child off him and patting the mass of green hair. He stands and heads into the kitchen, telling him that dinner will be ready soon.

Midoriya sighs and curls up on the couch, calling on the contract sigils. He stares at them, studying the designs of each and every one of them. "Iida Tenya, did he get into any trouble? After all, he was acting reckless."

"He was let off with a warning. Not to mention that he lied to us about not knowing who had taken Stain away. Although, I knew it was you since you had disappeared on me. That and you had a contract with the villain, right?" A kind smile on the detective's face as he looks out at the child who is staring at his hands.

"Yes. If he was in jail, he wouldn't have been able to repay the debt."

The detective frowns as he sees a new contract painting his arm. "You made another contact?"

"Yeah, but the payment is not a lot." He shrugs and looks away. "I haven't been able to get any business after that stunt I pulled at the USJ. Shigaraki has it out for me," he mutters. "You'd think after dating the guy for a few weeks, he'd know that I'm not the type to find a job in just one place."

Tsukauchi backtracks as he stares with wide eyes at the green-haired teen. He can see the disbelief on his face. "You—you dated him?"

"Hmm? Yeah. A few weeks but because of his quirk and Sensei, he broke it off. Then he thinks that he has the audacity to whine about it and say that it's my fault. I don't understand him, but meh."

"Did you actually—?"

"—like him?" He sighs with a small smile on his face. "Surprisingly, yes. I did and I was sad that he broke up with me. I guess, after that, I just started acting like this." Izuku made a show of motioning himself as he shrugs again. He remembers the time they started dating, a week after his dream had been crushed was when he met Tomura. The moments he spent with the overgrown child was quite happy filled, but everything just went to dust like everything Shigaraki touches. He had cried himself to sleep the day they broke up, but then he realized that that was not the response he should give anyone. To hell with that guy, especially since he didn't deserve him. "It's okay. Basically, I hate him. After he broke up with me, I dated around once or twice before breaking those off myself. I decided that it wasn't worth my time dating."

Naomasa nods before heading back to the pot, stirring the stew as he thinks about what he just learned. He decides to let it go and work on the paperwork that he has for the newest arrest while waiting on the stew to cook. He just continues to learn more and more about this kid that he has never planned to.

Izuku stares at the ceiling before looking at his phone. He received a message from a student/friend of his. Shinsou Hitoshi. He has been freaking out since he had been moved up to class 1-A after winning this year's Sports Festival. When he found out, he seemed like he was one step away from having a panic attack. The fortunate thing was that he had been there the day he had found out so he was able to help him. Izuku is helping him with his quirk, teaching him pointers on what he can do. He is also trying to see if he can brainwash someone who is just normally talking with someone else, so far he can't but then again, they are training so he might be able to get it some day. After the training before the Sports Festival, he had come to him to ask for assistance on his quirk and with physical fitness. He was a weak noodle as Izuku likes to describe.

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