Salty Children Should Not be Allowed

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Once Nedzu's personal student walked in that door, there was no mistaking it. That annoying, mass of green curly hair; the freckles that are condescendly prominent on his pale skin; and those acidic green eyes that are scanning the class with the thought that he can beat them, almost picking out their weakness. Bakugou growls under his breath, his red eyes showing his disgust and utter disdain for the quirkless boy. How dare he set foot here? Just what the hell does the principal even want to even fucking teach this quirkless shit? "Please introduce yourself."

Oh hell no! That little bastard is not going to be doing anything here! Katsuki scowls, clenching his fist as to not let out an explosion. "Oi! What the fuck is DEKU doing here?" He stands with his hands burning the surface of his desk.

"Do I know you?" comes the condescending inquiry. That little shit! How dare he think that he's better than me? "Anyway, ignoring that outburst. My name is Midoriya Izuku. Please, call me Midoriya," he says with poison on his tongue. Those irises on the blond, malice decorating them. Midoriya really wants to punch him in the face, but he cannot. No physical violence against the students no matter how annoying they are.

"You fucking bastard! What the fuck is a quirkless shit doing here?" That gets a longer blank stare, not the quivering fearful look that he has grown accustomed to. He is just standing there not giving a damn instead of being a stuttering, weeping mess. It's like he isn't the Izuku he knows and remembers.


"Do they know each other?"

Midoriya stands there with a bored expression as he waits for everyone to settle down. He glances over to Aizawa who shrugs and gets into his sleeping bag. You dick! You're like everyone else that I know! If I hurt him, then that'll be on you. I do not care about it. Once the class quiets down, he starts again, "Yes, I'm quirkless and I don't think I know him. He may be confusing me with someone else since I haven't met him before." The longer he speaks, the more he antagonizes him, it pisses the blond off more. He's rising to the bait and it's hilarious. Just wait until I ruin whatever reputation you managed to make here.

"We've known each other since we were toddlers you shitty nerd!"

"Bakugou," warns a redhead who can sense the tension growing and not wanting the green-haired teen to get hurt.

"Wait? Bakugou?" he faux innocence as he makes a show of pondering the name. He taps his temple while biting his bottom lip. "Oh! Yeah, yeah we do know each other! Ugh, I cannot believe I forgot about you. Well, no, I can believe. You're not rememberable. Plus, you're the worst person to ever become a hero. Honestly, you'll be a better villain, you have the attitude down." He shrugs nonchalantly, his gaze never leaving the bully who is grounding his teeth. Those red eyes hold a promise that the owner will hurt him when he gets the chance. Izuku just flashes a cheeky smile, enjoying this moment. He can't do anything to him since the teacher is not like their old one, he won't allow illegal quirk uses and harming of others. "You can argue about that all you want because if I'm not mistaken, you're the one who told me to kill myself. Hopefully, by the end of this year, you clean up that attitude of yours. It'll be a shame if people hate you." A round of horrified gasps ring through the class but it's ignored.

"Midoriya," intervenes Aizawa-sensei, seeing the sudden change in the classroom. He can see the way the blond's anger is rising but also past that facade, there's a faint emotion of guilt hidden behind that mask. He'll have to speak to him later, but not right now. He is looking up at him from the floor, giving him a warning glance. "That is enough. You're not here to cause havoc."

"Aww, but I wasn't. If I was causing havoc, Kacchan would be attacking me at the very moment. You have him trained—" he's cut off with an explosion to a desk. He glances at the cause of the small explosion. "Never mind. He's still a rabid dog. Plus, I just like messing with people. It's not my fault they're the ones who take the bait. It's just fun seeing how mad they can get when most of the truth is revealed. It means they can't deal with it." He shrugs again and flashes the already annoyed class a half-assed apologetic smile.

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