Of Pain and Quirks

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Izuku is glaring at the surface of the desk when Asano comes in. He's tapping his fingernails on it in an ominous rhythm. He looks up to find the 2-A kid that he called out. The predatory gleam in his eyes brightens at the sight of the older teen. Midoriya lifts his gaze to meet the faux confidence that hides the panic and worry when they meet. "So, you think that I'm useless because I'm quirkless?"

  "We-well, I didn't really say that." Asano then mutters something that he doesn't catch and really he doesn't need to. He can see the comment clear on his face, in his body language.

  With this, Izuku's glare hardens tremendously. His green eyes glint with a sharpness alike to an edge of a blade. It's ready to cut into this kid if he doesn't start speaking. "You held so much confidence in the classroom, what happened to it?"

  Asano doesn't like this. He already hates the kid but he can't do anything. He is sure that the room is bugged with a video camera. He can't attack this quirkless kid. "I mean! Yeah, I believe so, Nedzu really made a mistake here." That doesn't anger him. He watches helplessly as the boy shrugs and agrees with him on that statement.

A sinister, brutal, predatory smile comes to his pale-freckled face. "Let's get started, now don't we?"

If anyone is confused why the 2-A kid is staring at nothing, seeming to be terrified for his life or about the whole screaming from the office, they don't say anything. This scares a few and they wonder how brutal the teenager can be. One timid, yet brave, girl walks in nervous and scared but comes out looking thoughtful and relieved. "Just don't piss him off and you'll be fine." With that ominous statement in the air, the girl leaves.

Helping the students with their quirks was so much easier than he thought it would be. They are so easily readable that it's not even funny. He keeps a cool head, writing down a few key essentials they might need for their training. "If you want to do physical training with me, I can give you a pass on one class, but I'll have to get permission. Here is a slip and have your teach sign it. Put your name down. Please be it a class not too important that you can miss it, okay?" he says to every person while handing them a slip. "Just understand you may not be the only one there. But every year has one designated day. Third years are on Thursdays, second years on Wednesday, and first years on Tuesdays. I'll be happy to see you on those days."

  Tokoyami's quirk is one of Midoriya's favorites. Dark Shadow is so adorable and he likes the quirkless human. The three of them talk animatedly for the entire duration, on his quirk and on random stuff as Midoriya works on notes that can be helpful. He bids him a farewell, smiling as he sighs in relief. "Send in the next one please," he calls after him.

  The one that comes in is stiff in his walk into the office, sitting down stock straight while watching Midoriya write something.

  "What's your name?"

  "Todoroki Shouto." He feels like he said something wrong with how tense Midoriya gets, anger spreading onto his facial features as his head snapped up so fast he might've gotten whiplash. He doesn't let any expression or implication that he even took notice of the change in demeanor.

  "Do you have a relative who's a hero?" he asks, his voice tight and hope in his eyes.

  Whatever he is hoping, Shouto isn't sure nor does he care. "My father is the number two hero, Endeavor."

  "Of course, it had to be him," he mutters with a venomous tone. He ignores the raised questioning eyebrow as he gets a different notepad and flips through a pile of papers. "Okay, so Todoroki Shouto, class 1-A, quirk: half-and-half. You have ice and fire but it's here that you only use ice." He glances up at the expressionless look on his face. He doesn't say anything, his eyes flicking all over as he studies the guy. The one who seems to be closed off with everyone. "You're holding it back without realizing the damage that can happen to your body, but you don't care since you've made a promise to yourself? I presume it's because of your father and honestly, I don't blame you." He takes in a breath looks over the file. "Well, everything is good and dandy. You're one of the strongest of the class but you could be stronger. I suggest using just a little—"

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