Hurt? Comfort?

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Shouta had been looking for the child that had ran out with a frantic expression on his face. He knows exactly where he may be, but upon his arrival, no one is in the Lounge. He's about to leave in search for him again when a small thump comes from one of the cabinets. Sighing in exasperation, he makes his way over to the source and opens the door. The boy is asleep with scratches on his forearms and dried tears on his cheeks. The noise he heard was his hand falling off his leg and hitting the door. The underground hero sighs and picks the boy up, taking him out from under the cupboard and putting him on one of the sofas.

"Problem Child," he mutters under his breath as he grabs a napkin and rubbing off the dried tear streaks from the child's face. He'll have to ask Shinsou what happened. The boy's phone is on the floor which brings a frown. The hero grabs it, turning it on and seeing a few of the messages. One from Tsukauchi in particular.

From: Lie Detective
To: Raven

'Enji Todoroki's case cannot continue any longer. I'm sorry, Midoriya. Word got out to the man and he threatened to sue us.'
'Midoriya, please do not do anything rash following these news. I know you're a good kid and I do not want you to get into any trouble.'

Shouta sighs and glances at the boy. Seeing that it was still unread, this isn't what he was crying about. The hero turns back to the phone seeing one name that caught his eye.

From: Dabi
To: Raven

'I heard what happened with the case. Meet me tmrw and I'll help u out-let's plan.'
'Message me when u want 2 meet and where.'
'Shigaraki is wanting 2 c u."

Eraserhead thinks back to the USJ incident. Shigaraki. Shigaraki Tomura. The name of the villain that Midoriya knows, apparently had even worked with him before. Something has happened for the villain to be completely hate the boy. Subconsciously, he touches the scar below his eye while glancing at the scar that wraps around Midoriya's wrist. Why does that villain want to see the young informant? Is he going to kill him? He looks at the messages from before, reading and frowning deeply. He shakes his head not wanting to even deal with whatever the boy's past is. He places the phone down, deciding not to care about it and just ignore it.

The underground hero sits down on the other couch, leaning back and closing his eyes to rest. That does not seem to be case for his brain which likes to fuck with him all the time. He sighs for the umpteenth time that day as he sits up. The phone that belongs to the small informant continuously beeping. He huffs, grabbing it and is about to put it on silent only to see the messages. A frown paints his face as he glances between the boy and the device, shaking his head and forwarding the messages to his own number before deleting that one.

He pulls out his phone, turning the other's off. He reads through all of the messages from an anonymous number.

From: Unknown
To: Raven

'You're the contractor one of my men recommended me, Raven?'
'I need information. I'll pay 1 billion yen for the information I need.'
'Message back when you get this message.'

The boy still does contracts from what Shouta can see and, honestly, he isn't surprised though. The boy uses this job to pay for everything he needs. It's this fact that Shouta does not like about this society. People have to do things-even breaking the law-for a living. He hates that this boy is one of those people, he hates that with how long this world has been here, it has not changed at all. Heroes with skeletons in their closets are praised and paid for their work. Civilians with the biggest hearts go bankrupt and are tossed into the streets, some lead a path of villainy or vigilante.

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