Death? More likely than you think

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The day was one of Midoriya's favorites. A peaceful day without having to deal with anyone other than his beautiful, sweet mother. The two always had days where they would go out and have fun, depending on the weather they'd have ice cream or they'd have hot chocolate. It all depended on her money and the weather. This day was no different. With the cold slowly leaving them, they opted to having hot chocolate and a few snacks to go with it. They never had to deal with villain attacks and if they did, they'd go somewhere safe and watch from afar so that Midoriya could get some notes on both the heroes and villains.

  This one was different.

  This one was going to ruin everything that Fate had set out.

  One future hero would no longer be there.

  One person was going to die.

  The hero, known as Endeavor, was chasing a villain. He had tried cutting the villain off with his fire. Izuku had to dive out of the way because of how wild it was. He grabbed his mother's hand and pulled her along with him to avoid the battle. Their path was cut off by a wall of fire. This isn't safe at all! Heroes are supposed to keep civilians safe, but Endeavor is really not doing that. Izuku sighed as he tried to find a way out of the crossfire. The heat was right in his face, his shirt dampening with sweat. Endeavor launched an attack at the villain who had gotten in front of them. When he jumped out the way, the blast was sent towards the two bystanders who had been trying to get away. Midoriya had turned his back on it, trying to shield his mother who had panicked.

  Izuku cried out in pain but that didn't seem to hinder the hero. He helped his mother out, trying to get her out of there when the villain came towards them. He pushed her away and got out of the villain's path. With that, Endeavor continued fighting and had not even stopped to give them room. The awning had become unstable and the fire was eating away at the metal supports. Izuku had been trying to get to his mother who had been knocked unconscious from the lack of oxygen. It was too hot. Izuku was in too much pain from the burn on his back.

  The battle was over but his mother, he had watched the awning fall. His lovely and sweet mother was trapped underneath. "Help! Please! Endeavor, help me!" He tried getting the hero to help but he kept walking, carrying the villain. He watched the retreating back of the so-called hero. "Help! My mom!" Nothing. He moved the awning as much as he could, freeing a portion of his mother. He gasped at the sight of blood that trickled from her head and down her face. "M-mom?" he whispers, pushing back the locks of green hair. "Mom." He watched as her eyes fluttered open.

  "Izuku, honey. Are you okay?"

  "I'm fine, Mom." Big, fat tears rolled down his cheeks like waterfalls. "Mom, please hold on. I'll get help. Please."

  She smiled at him, reaching up with a broken hand to caress his face. "I'm sorry, honey. I want to try and reassure you—I can't lie to you."

  Izuku shook his head, holding onto her hand with one of his while the other one ran through her hair. "Shh. I know, Mom, but you may still have a chance. They'll come and help. They wouldn't leave you to die," he murmured. His voice cracked and he sobbed as he kissed her head. He watched her take shuddering breaths, he watched her eyes dull and close. He watched as she fell limp. He watched her take her last breath. He watched his own mother die. All because of a hero who wouldn't check his surroundings. All because of a hero wouldn't stop and help when the young son called after him.

  "You should've known better. You should've left when you had the chance."

  Midoriya Inko, a loving wife and mother, died in front of her only son.

  "You didn't give us a chance! You son of a bitch! You should've checked!"

  Midoriya Hisashi was furious and fell into despair. He would send his villains to try and take revenge for his lovely wife, but to no avail. In the end, he would have to rethink and replan before he can bring his wife the justice that she deserves.

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