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Getting that one call shatters Hitoshi. Almost as if the color in the world never existed, he is left staring into the dull and dreary colors of it again like during class that day. Tears gather in his eyes, horror spreading throughout his body as he can't think, mind just stopping at the same time his phone slips out of his grasp. The words process right when everything around him collapses—his world collapses. He collapses. He falls onto his knees as he cries loudly—hitting the floor and pleading for it to not be true. His father runs in to see what the commotion is about and ends up comforting his son, holding him as he breaks down. His wife comes in and helps calm her son, rocking and humming helping her awkward husband. Hitoshi can only think of the boy who helped and believed in him.

"He attempted suicide. Barely alive when the detective found him. He should've gotten there earlier if he had a bad feeling. Shinsou," he whispers, his voice cracking as he speaks. "Please, when my son wakes up, please be there for him."

Suicide. His best friend—possibly crush—committed suicide—no, he attempted. He would have succeeded too! He—he (oh god) he almost succeeded! He almost lost his friend! If his guardian hadn't . . . he has to force himself to stop. He has to force himself to stop thinking about it, but he can't. He just can't!

Hitoshi can't even bring himself to ask if he could go and see him at that moment. He just sobs and grasps at his parents' clothes tightly as he recounts to them that his friend is in the hospital. Lost a lot of blood and drowned. Images of Midoriya dead—cold and lifeless, never to move again—flash across his mind. The images and the thoughts that run through his brain worsens his crying. He doesn't understand why they even called him, why Midoriya's father decided to call and tell him about the incident. He doesn't know where he even got his number, but he's glad that it was him instead of someone else, he probably wouldn't have even believed them.  "Midoriya!" he whispers with agony, body shaking with sobs and throat burning as he cries and cries and cries. Why? Why would you do this? Midoriya! Why would you leave us? Why would you leave me? "Why would you do this? You said you were going to—hic!—talk to me to-tomo-ma-ma-morrow! You—you—you said you had some-some-something to tell me!"

  Hitoshi shakes his head, listening to the soothing voice of his mother who sings a lullaby. Will he see his friend? Yes. Whether he was allowed to or not, he is going to do anything to see him.

* * *

The detective had taken him out and bandaged his arms, hoping that the boy wasn't dead yet. In blind hope and faith all while panicking, he conducted CPR on the boy. The boy spewed up some water but the loss of extreme amounts of blood was still an issue. There is still a chance of not making it and from the way it all looks, the rate of dying is higher than the chance of living. The scarring is inevitable. Rushed to the hospital, the nurses quickly hooked the boy up for a blood transfusion. They stabilized the boy, but the matter of him waking up was another thing.

  "My son! I want to see my son! Where is he?" The cries of Midoriya Hisashi brigs forth a flinch from Naomasa. The man who was in charge of the boy. Crazed, broken green eyes swimming in sorrow and agony meet dull dark eyes full of regret. "You!" He's shoved against the wall, head hitting it harshly. The villain's bottom lip trembles as he yells at him, crying. "You were supposed to be watching and taking care of him! You were in charge of my son's well-being! So why? Huh? Why is he here again by his own hand? Why did he attempt to take his own life? Tell me!"

  "I'm sorry—"

  "Bullshit!" The villain stumbles back away from the detective, shaking his head and falling to his knees. He hugs himself as he sobs loudly and harshly. "I can't lose him too! He's all I have left. My precious, Inko, I failed you once again," he whispers in a hoarse voice. He shakes and rocks as he tugs at his hair. The same curls that he shares with his son. "I'm sorry, my love. I've failed. Our son, he—you'll see him again if this doesn't get handled."

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