A Quirkless Kid in Front of My Salad?

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Aizawa was barely conscious. He sat up from where he had been placed down by All Might, ignoring the students who were telling him he shouldn't be up and about. He glanced around the facility to find the other heroes there, fighting and rounding up some of the villains. One person wasn't anywhere to be seen. "Where's Midoriya?" he hoarsely questioned, remembering the teen having gotten hurt by the Nomu and had been spitting and coughing up blood.

  "He's over here! He isn't responding but he's still conscious," cried Uraraka, worrying for her new friend that she barely made over an hour ago.

  Struggling, he made his way over, once again ignoring the people around him. The first thing he noticed was the growing pool of red underneath Midoriya, then, it was his green eyes unfocused, blurry, and glistening with tears; his mouth was moving but no words could be made out; and he was coughing and choking on the blood from whatever internal injury he has. Aizawa grunted as he removed the mask off of the boy's face. He was hit with the sudden realization that Izuku was only fifteen. The same age as his students. He was staring up at him, unfocused eyes as he was slowly bleeding out. He won't make it, he thought. He protected us, and he was now paying the price. He's too young for this.

  Yaoyorozu handed him bandages to help him as much as they could. He took them but he was trying to remember the first aid. He had to put pressure on the open, bleeding wound but he had broken ribs, one that he believed was the cause of the internal bleeding. He ordered his students to get away, to go outside and get a medic and to stay outside or so help him he expelled them. They did as he asked.

  He was ignoring his own wounds, he was too busy trying to get a reaction from this kid who had tried to tell him, who he had believed to be just a delinquent who snapped at anything that breathed. He tried meeting those green eyes that once were acidic and full of hate that were now fading. "Don' wa' ta die," he croaked out, spraying blood into his face. He didn't seem to know he even said anything which makes it worse. He was a child and here he was dying in front of him. He's only a kid! He's dying because he was protecting you! A pro hero!

  For a moment, he believed he had died already. He wasn't responsive and he was just staring at nothing, but his eyes have yet to dilate. His breathing was very shallow and he could barely pinpoint a heartbeat. Then once Tsukauchi came in, he watched the sigil on the kid's chest along with multiple sigils one his arms and shoulders glow. He let out a choked scream of pain. "Holy shit," Aizawa muttered as he had Tsukauchi leave the building. In that moment, the glowing died down but it had left burns on his arms. He watched as Izuku's eyes rolled into his head and he passed out. Not good.

  A few paramedics came—finally—and took Midoriya away along with Thirteen and himself. They all agreed not to release the statement of him being there.

* * *

"Sports festival is coming up soon," Aizawa announces. He scans the faces of his class, watching their expressions. It's been three days already since the incident at the USJ and he has yet to tell them about the festival that is in two weeks. He can see that the students are torn between wanting it to be excited for this or to be worried that they are having this after the entire episode with the villains. Aizawa is hurt, broken ribs and a broken arm. The guy their age was worse. He had almost died to save them, which pissed Bakugou off since "the shitty nerd" was being stupid and didn't have the right to die by another person's hand that isn't under his own.

  Kirishima could just see the worry behind that facade. Seriously, there is no way that Midoriya was telling the truth. Bakugou cares for him. He wouldn't have done those terrible things. Or so he had thought. He wasn't there so he wasn't sure who was telling the truth. He is getting his hopes up and he doesn't know just how badly they'll plummet to the ground, especially after growing a bond with the hot head during the USJ incident.

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