Final Exams and Messages

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The final exams and Izuku is stuck with Recovery Girl to review the footage. Nedzu had given him his laptop to put notes on each and everyone of the examinees and the teachers. This way he can type quickly and continue adding and adding information unlike with pen and paper where he continuously has to deal with tearing his paper or running out of room. He glances at Recovery Girl is glaring at him. "I already said that I'm sorry!" The glare hardens. "Okay! Okay! I'm sorry! I'll do whatever you want, just stop glaring!"

  Confused? Well, he had visited her two times in one day because of Nedzu having let him go to one of the gyms that Aizawa uses for agility. He was surprised with the amount of gymnastics equipment they had. He headed straight for the uneven bars that the female artistic gymnasts use. He had been trained in both types of gymnastics because of his physical stature. He didn't complain especially with how fun it had been. Anyway, he had slipped and in a quick motion to catch himself, he sprained his wrist. He didn't go until he sprained his ankle. That was the first time. The second time, he had been teaching a class to help with the students quirks—third years. Two of the third years had gotten in a fight. He tried breaking that up. It resulted in a black eye, broken wrist, and another sprained ankle. After that, he suspended the two from anymore classes with him until their teacher says that they have gotten their tempers under control. Yeah, Recovery Girl met him with a glare and a disappointed shake of her head. He heard her faintly muttering how she knows that that won't be the last time she sees him in her office. He gave her a sheepish grin and told her that he would do his best to keep from her office. That hasn't seemed to happen. He was just prone to get hurt apparently.

Izuku smiles sheepishly before looking at the forms he has made for each examinee. Popping his fingers, he starts typing everything he knows for the time being—mostly on their strengths and weaknesses, adding a little bit of their new quirks. "I feel sorry for Shinsou," he mutters as he shakes his head.

"Shinsou Hitoshi with Bakugou Katsuki against All Might," announced Aizawa. Izuku was standing with the teacher's as he typed in the pairs and the teacher that they're up against.

  "What? Why am I stuck with shitty Deku's boyfriend?" yelled Bakugou.

  Izuku and Shinsou look at each other, a blush spreading on their cheeks as they spluttered out, "We aren't dating!"

"Plus, why would anyone date me? I'm a piece of trash, so what did you expect?"

"Better. I expected better."

"Wow, thanks Toshi. I can see that our friendship means nothing." Izuku laughed slightly while Hitoshi smiled slightly.

One of the class (Kaminari) muttered, "Wow, Midoriya can actually show emotion. It's creepy."

Midoriya had spotted a rock near his foot and kicked it harshly towards the blond, landing the shot at his stomach. Aww, I was aiming at the crotch but that works too. He turned to Shinsou with a deadpan expression. "I'm Aizawa-Sensei now, I'm not showing emotion anymore," he said, making eye contact with him. The little comment earned him a slap from Aizawa's capture weapon who glared and told him to go with Recovery Girl and set up. He made a sheepish noise and walked away with the nurse.

"Midoriya," says Recovery Girl, breaking him out of the small musings. "They're about to start, get your mind out of whatever hole you left it in."

He laughs sheepishly, rubbing his nape as he looks up at the screens and getting ready to type what is needed. The noise that can only be heard his intense typing and the fights that they're watching through the screens. He listens to Recovery Girl's commentary, deciding to add that as well.

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