Bury a friend

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Villain Midoriya is love. Sometimes I wonder if people forget that Midoriya is technically a villain in this story. Kind of feel like I can't even write a good story with a nice plot anymore.

Aizawa Shouta is beyond furious. His face says it all from the glare to the clenched jaw that threatened to break the teeth from the force being used to keep from screaming in anger and frustration. He is on his way to the 1-A dormitory to have a talk with the problematic child that Nedzu thought would be a good idea to take under his wing. Upon entering the giant building, he's stopped by none other Bakugou Katsuki. His red eyes don't have their usual fire, seeming to be calmer than the anger-filled gleam from before. He takes a small pause before opening his mouth to speak, "If you're looking for Deku, he's in his room getting ready to go visit his mother's grave. Present Mic will be taking him. Figured you should know." He watches him walk away, opting to sit with Kirishima. The redhead hasn't stopped giving him concern looks even after they have moved into the dorms. Shouta has noticed the way they acted with each other, Kirishima being able to express his concern without the blond blowing him up.

    Bakugou Katsuki, you've mellowed out after Kamino. Just what happened and what hand did Midoriya play in it? He couldn't help but think constantly that Midoriya had something to do with the change in personality. Many times, he's noticed that the blond wanted to say something but a glance at Midoriya's direction he would stop. Something had happened. If what Tsukauchi had said was true, then well he has to figure it out. Still, he doesn't let himself be deterred and continues to the brat's room. He doesn't even attempt at knocking, turning the knob and forcing his way in. "Where's Shigaraki Tomura?"

  Shinsou Hitoshi isn't there. Good, I don't need to deal with him at all right now. Midoriya is, just like Bakugou said. The boy is putting on a shirt that says "flannel" with a bored expression, not caring that the plain green shirt had no flannel patterns. Awful fashion sense. The boy doesn't seem surprised at the fact that Shouta is there interrogating him. It's almost as if he had been expecting him to make the connection and going off from the unimpressed expression, he had been hoping it to be made earlier. "I don't know what you're talking about."

    Are we really playing this game? he thinks, staring at the boy with frustration. If he could, he would have taken the green-haired teenager down to the police station right then and there. He is tired of this child's games and jokes. "Cut the bullshit Midoriya. I know for a fact that you're hiding that villain."

  He turns to him, facing the male with hostility in his eyes, shrugging nonchalantly. "So? I don't give out my client's information unless needed. But if you must know, the League is not even in Japan at the moment." He takes a deep breath and gives him a cruel smile. The dark expression should never belong on a child's face, then again, this isn't a normal child. This child is of the devil, ready to bring hell upon the earth. "I'm a criminal who is going to jail after the contract is over, so why not go out with a bang?"

  Shouta scowls, grabbing the brat by the arms and pulling him close so that they're nose to nose at eye level. He makes sure it's a tight enough grip that it will keep him in place but not leave bruises. "Do you think this is a game or something? You know where they are and you're not telling us? Why?"

  "Because why not? I'm not having this conversation with you, Aizawa. You should have prayed and hoped that I had died in that coma. But here I am so you must not have prayed enough." Viridian eyes meet black, full of animosity, cold and unforgiving, ready to tear apart everything the world stands for. This world has failed him constantly and will continue to fail the boy. "Talk to Nedzu if you want to know more. But I doubt that he even knows anything about what I'm planning." Midoriya gets out of the hold and hops back onto his desk, staring at Shouta with hate-filled eyes and wanting to strike him down where he stands. If he had been the god Zeus, he may as well have.

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