Nothing Lasts Forever

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It was weeks after that meeting when they met again. It wasn't by job either but by chance. Izuku had been headed "home" when Bakugou—he had stopped calling him "Kacchan" the day his mother died—came out of nowhere and slammed him against the wall. He had given up the dream of being a hero and even so, the other was still targeting him. With wide green eyes, Izuku stared into the narrowed red ones. They showed how much anger and hate the owner held for the smaller boy. "What the fuck do you think you're doing, Deku?"

Deku. Deku. Deku! Deku! It means useless. But Izuku's not useless. Why would anyone want a useless informant? Would anyone his age be thought of as useless when they'd realize he had their weaknesses noted in the back of his mind? Would anyone his age be thought of as useless when they'd realize he could have them killed with no other thought? He isn't useless, but the facade of it is there. He learned from his father's employees on how to mask his worth. He learned to hide his strength. He learned how to faux an expression, to lie and twist his words. He learned well on how to manipulate the puppets like a puppeteer.

  Izuku stayed motionless, not really understanding what he did to set him off. "I-I'm just—just walking home," he stuttered, his eyes scanning the area for a way out. He was hoping for at least someone to see this happen but nope. No one ever did and those who did would pretend not to. It was just it always was and he didn't understand why anyone would allow this happen to him but never for another. It was because he was quirkless, right? That was the only reason he could come up with. That or he was just easily hated.

His grasp on the green-haired male tighten as his scowl deepened. He pulled him away from the wall then slammed him against it again, the smaller one of the two grimacing in pain at feeling the brick scrape against his skin. "That isn't what I fucking mean, you shitty nerd! I'm talking about how you fucking think you're so much better than everyone else!"

Oh my god, how dumb is he? Okay, backtrack, why did I ever look up to him again? Brain? He blinked at him for a moment, glancing anywhere but him. "Um, what? I-I don't think I'm better than—than anyone. I mean, I-I'm quirk—quirkless!"

He stopped for a moment before glowering. He rested his hand on his shoulder again, forcing the young quirkless one to flashback to the day a few weeks back when he came to the realization that he shouldn't be a hero. He smirked at him as he slowly activated his quirk. "Then you know that you're never going to get into U.A, right? Get out of my way and we won't have any problems, got it?"

"O-of course!" Not. Brain, seriously, I need answers on why I ever thought he'd be such an amazing hero. Midoriya was left alone after that. A burn on his shoulder; scrapes on his back, hands, and knees; and another bruise on his face. He had been punched and shoved onto the ground before the blond left. He sighed as he moved his hand up under his shirt to feel his back, wincing at the feeling of some of his skin hanging. It wasn't bad, but it stung and was irritated when his clothes brushed against it.

"So the son of Midoriya Hisashi is bullied?" Midoriya tensed as his eyes closed, trying to reel in his anger at the sound of that voice. He turned around and met red eyes full of glee. "So, tell me, does your dad know about this?"

  "He won't if you don't snitch," he warned, wincing as he placed a hand on his shoulder. He pivoted on his heel but never got too far. A hand wrapped around his arm. "Let go of me, Shigaraki."

  "No." He tightened his grip on the injured boy. "You're coming with me so Kurogiri can treat your wounds."

  Izuku blankly stared at the villain. "I can do it myself. This wouldn't be the first time," he tried reasoning. It didn't help. The next thing he knew he was being dragged through a portal and tossed onto a chair. He wasn't the only one surprise seeing the expression that was on Kurogiri's misty face. He knew that the adult was surprised to see the son of Hisashi again, especially by the courtesy of his own ward. The boy was injured from what he could see but even so, he put up his mask. "Ah, hello, Kurogiri. It's been a while, don't you think?"

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