Meeting Shimura Tenko and Answers

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I apologize for the late update!

The hero-in-training stands at the door, tentatively taking steps forward. His eyes narrowed at the other male who appears to be about two years older than them, maybe a little more than that. "Who are you?" the violet-eyed teen questions for a second time with suspicion displayed well on his face. His gaze falls onto his best friend who is in the arms of the stranger. He moves forward but stays in a defensive position if the guy attacks. Shinsou watches with his guard up, keeping a good distance away while sending a small glance towards Midoriya to make sure he hadn't been hurt in any way. Once assured, he steps forward with confidence at knowing that this guy won't hurt Midoriya. Well, yet. "What are you doing here?"

The unknown man lays Izuku down, getting to his feet and standing on the other side of the bed. He moves his hands up in a surrendering gesture, smirking at the purple-haired teen who entered the room. "I'm Shi-Shimura Tenko," he answers with a faux-friendly smile. "What other reason do I have to check up on my b—my friend?"

Hitoshi catches the slip-up but says nothing and turning back to what is more important. He doesn't care about that, he just wants this guy gone. Something about him, well, his instincts are screaming at him to get Izuku away from the other male. "Visiting hours are almost over," he says, in an attempt to get him to leave so he would have time with his friend for a moment. "You might want to go ahead and go—Midoriya won't want us to give up our lives for him."

The guy—Shimura—sighs and looks down at the green-haired boy. The gleam in his red eyes is soft and full of care, something he did not expect to see such emotion from this stranger. He doesn't even know who this guy is or what his motives are. "Yeah," he murmurs, almost wistful as if he's in memories that only he and Midoriya share and something about that strikes at his heart. "You know, I don't think he did this to himself."

That catches the teen off guard. He doesn't think—? "What do you mean? You think that he didn't do this to himself?" What other explanation would there be? Izuku had been alone and there was no sign of a struggle. If there had been someone, well, surely the detective would have been able to know.

The bitter laugh that rises from his throat brings a flinch from the brainwasher, who stares at him with wide eyes. "You're his friend, aren't you? Does this seem like something he'd do?" Another strike at his heart.

"They think it was a split second decision. They found scars—self-harm scars—on his skin. He had the knife in his hand." The sorrow in his voice is noticeable from the way it cracks. Just saying it brings him to tears. He doesn't want to even think about it.

The villain huffs and rolls his eyes, sighing as he sits in the uncomfortable chair with one hand on Izuku's arm. An anchor so that he can keep himself grounded and remind himself that the teen isn't gone. "Did he tell you anything before any of this?"

That throws him off. "He said he was going to tell me something tomorrow."

"Exactly. If he were to do this, he'd say it in a note or wait until he has told you what he needs to say." He runs a gloved hand through his hair, glaring down at the ground. "He told me that he would never do something like this. He's all his father has left from his deceased wife; he would never do this. I know it."

"So you're saying someone set this up?" The teen watches the other scratch at his neck in frustration. He uses all his will power to keep from reaching over and stopping him. 

"It makes sense. I've known him for an entire year now. He will get depressed at times but it's never like this. Those scars—" Tomura points to the green-haired boy's legs. "—they were from so long ago. A time before all of the shit he got into happened. They were mistakes he promised to never make again. I'm telling you that he would not do this." The villain is staring at the U.A. student in front of him. It's apparent that the guy cares for Izuku. He sighs, dropping his hand. "What's your name?"

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