Everyone watched as the gate opened. Golden beams reached out and touched Ishi, Hizume, and Kyoa. They glowed as they landed on the ground. What the? The three thought as they slowly started to fade in and out. Renji ran to Hizume. He grabbed her shoulders. “Hizume?” he said. She looked at him as she faded. “Renji.” Then she pressed a kiss to his cheek as she disappeared. Haku was too late to reach Kyoa and all she could do was say, “Love you.” Before she to disappeared. Ishi was struggling. “No no! I have to…defeat Shuji!.....” Toshiro was hurrying towards her. “Ishi!” he cried out. She looked, but Toshiro only caught air as she disappeared. All three of them disappeared. Yoruichi had arrived just in time to see that. The gate shut and disappeared. Shuji looked around shocked and blinking. Yoruichi fell to her knees and cried out.
Byakuya murmured, “Not again” as the images of Ishi and Hizume chasing after Mariposa and Montanoso came back. His chest ached in memory as it did that day when he stumbled to the battle field in time to see them leave. Toshiro was looking around as though trying to find Ishi, like she’d played a joke. Renji let his hands fall to his side, but one raised and touched his cheek that Hizume kissed before fading away into golden light. Haku had fallen to his knees the disappearance of Kyoa too much for his mind to comprehend except for one thought, Why couldn’t I have gotten there sooner? Shuji was still very confused as to what happened even when he was taken down. The sword pierced his chest and he died a dazed look on his face as though just realizing he’d been killed.
The seritei had been silent for the week. How was it possible that just the loss of three comrades the silence descended like a plague? People knew mentioning just one thing would bring back memories. Hisagi missed Ishi, and Momo and Izuru were trying to cope with the loss of Hizume and Kyoa. There was no fun it was as if the three had died. For most that was what they heard. Even in Rukon the information spread like wild fire. People had memorial pictures here and there. The pub had put up a picture of Ishi and Hizume when they got drunk once and everyone left flowers at the floor in front of it. Toshiro was often found in his room the lights off, and Renji was trying to cope. Haku had gone home on a break. But the silent house wasn’t helping ease his pain as a few memories of him and Ishi playing together here his mother watching them surfaced. “That’s what you get when you mess with the bull Ha-ha!” Ishi yelled. Her eternal nickname for him Ha-ha Haku had tripped and landed in mud. He got up and picked some up throwing it at the back of Ishi’s head. Ichi and his mother laughed. “So this is where you live.” A voice said. Haku turned. Toshiro stood on the path way. Haku nodded. Toshiro sat down. “How come you’re alone?” Toshiro asked.
“My father was killed by a hollow, my mother fell ill. Ishi was at the academy and when she found out she rushed over and helped ease the burden. Then she left to fight those arrancar.” Haku said. “You and Ishi you were close?” Toshiro asked. “Extremely. After all someone had to teach me how to make bombs. We blew up a lot of things. Including Byakuya a few times. We were like brother and sister. Having her again then losing her it’s like fate is taunting me.” Haku said looking at the blue sky. Toshiro was silent. “She really liked you ya know. She talked so much about you at one point I hated you. Then I got over it when I saw how she was really happy.” Haku added. Toshiro’s breath caught. “She talked about me a lot?” He asked.
Haku nodded. “Nonstop sometimes. How great and amazing you were.” He said. Toshiro looked down, “But not great enough to save her.” He said quietly. “No one could’ve saved them. We don’t even know what that gate was or where it came from. Maiyuri got no samples so he doesn’t even know. Not even Urahara knows. They’re gone.” Haku protested. “We fought.” Toshiro said. Haku raised a brow. “Right before she arrived we fought and I don’t know what to think anymore. What if I never get the chance to apologize?” Haku put a hand on his shoulder. “She’ll come back. If there is one thing I know it’s that the three of them will return. Eventually.” Toshiro nodded. One day. One day she’d be back, one day the three would be back. He just had to believe that and it would come true, right?
Perfection For Us (Bleach Story)
FanfictionThey disappeared and then they returned. Ishi and Hizume have a lot ahead of the. New friends. New enemines. New lives. New loves. But in the end after a life changing experience do they have what it takes to save the soul society