Chapter 12: Fun And Games pt.1

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Aphmau's POV:

Me and Agent Snowy Paws ran quickly around the room, miserably failing at our attempts to get away from Cory. At least it wasn't a school day so we didn't have to wear our uniforms. That made it so much more easier to run. I was in denim shorts, a purple t-shirt and white converse with my hair up in a high ponytail while my female partner in crime was in a loose grey long-sleeved jumper, shorts and boots with her hair down.
"WHY IS HE SO FAST?!" Shelby yelled to me so I could hear her over the wind in our ears as we ran in circles, Cory following us. Before I could answer Shelby bumped into someone and fell to the ground.
"Cause I'm a wolf hybrid!" Cory told her with a smile while helping her up and taking her back to their little prison that Ross was guarding. By prison I mean a corner with a small patch of dirt with sticks acting as the bars.
"SAVE YOURSELF AGENT PURPLE POTATO!" She exclaimed dramatically as they sat her in the mini cell with Sky. It was Cory's turn to guard the cell so he stayed there as Ross ran after me.
"I'LL COME BACK FOR YOOOOOOUUUUUU!" I shouted back as I sprinted away from the boy.

Max's POV:

Cory and Ross hadn't noticed me yet because I was hiding on one of the ledges above the prison cell. I had been awake when they were talking about Cory's camera mask but when Sky told Agent Purple Potato and Agent Snowy Paws to run that was my cue to hide when the guys weren't looking. My agent name was Agent Hot-Head and Sky's was Agent Cloud Brain... (Yeah the girls came up with them... -_-)

I noticed Cory examining the room, as if he were looking for something.

10 bucks. He's looking for me...

"Hey Sky?" Cory said randomly, still looking around the room.
"Yeah?" He replied, leaning to the side so he could see the side of Cory's head. Cory turned his head and Sky sat up straight.
"Where's Max?" He asked with a curious tone, turning his whole body around to face the two prisoners.
"Oh he's... Uhh... He's somewhere..." Sky told him, looking around the room as he genuinely tried to find me. That made me realise that I forgot to tell them where I was hiding. "Or he should be at least..."
"Wait did he not tell you?" Shelby asked. Sky just shook his head.

When Cory looked away I decided to try get the two out of the cell. Aphmau was distracting Ross so he shouldn't be a problem. Now just to figure out how to distract Cory... I found a small pebble on the ledge I was sitting on and picked it up. It was really light. You could drop it on someone and they would feel it but it wouldn't hurt them. I tried my best to aim accurately and dropped the stone. It landed on Sky's head then rolled off onto the ground. He looked at the stone and then upwards to see where it came from. I leaned over the edge slightly and waved. Not wanting Cory to see him wave, even if it was only out the corner of his eye, he just smiled up at me.

I wasn't much higher up than them so I checked that Cory wasn't looking, he wasn't, and reached down to grab Sky's hand. The lion hybrid stood up quietly and checked where Cory was looking then reached up and grabbed my hand. I swiftly pulled him upwards onto the ledge with me, getting him out of the prison.
"Go help Aph." I whispered to him as quietly as I could. If he still had the hearing of a normal human he wouldn't have heard me but because of his lion ears he did. He nodded and whispered back to me.
"You gonna help Shelby?" I nodded and he quickly thanked me for getting him out then ran off. As you can probably see, if the girls aren't listening we just use our regular names instead of the agent ones. We aren't big fans of being called 'Agent Hot-Head' and 'Agent Cloud-Brain'...

Shelby's POV:

I sat on the ground and waited to be rescued by someone. It was quiet aside from the playful screams of Aphmau and Ross. It was also pretty awkward just sitting here so I went to turn to Sky to see if he wanted to talk, until I realised that he wasn't there anymore.

As I was looking around me in the mini cell I felt something hit me on the head. My ear twitched as I heard a small stone hitting the ground. I saw Cory's ear twitch out the corner of my eye and, thanks to my cat-reflexes, was just quick enough to turn around, find another small stone and act like I was throwing them at the wall out of boredom.

Third Person POV:

Shelby saw Cory give her a suspicious look but it faded after a moment. For a couple seconds he just stood there watching her but then he spoke up, breaking the silence (or at least the silence between those two.)
"Do you.. uhh.." Cory hesitated, causing her to turn. "Do you wanna talk?" He finally got out, scratching the back of his head and averting his eyes. Shelby giggled at his actions. She knew he was an introvert and a little socially awkward, usually having a bit of trouble starting a conversation or continuing one. She thought it was kind of cute when he tried though.
"Sure!" She chirped with a bright smile.

Cory sat down on the other side of the bars and Shelby moved to sit with him. The boy crossed his arms and pouted slightly. Shelby gave him a confused look.
"What's wrong?" She asked, tilting her head a little.
"I heard you giggling at me a minute ago..." He mumbled, looking to the side to avoid eye contact. "I mean I know I'm socially awkward but still..." Once again, the girl just giggled.
"Sorry I just thought it was cute how you were trying!" She sat on her knees and gave another big smile. Cory still didn't face her and found a sudden interest in the ground to his left as his face gained a small blush. Realising what she just said, Shelby swiftly covered her mouth and gained a blush of her own.
'WHY DID I JUST SAY THAT?!' She thought to herself as she mentally slapped herself.

Without warning Cory started chuckling and his face cooled down a bit.
"W-Why are you laughing?" The female hybrid questioned with a red hue across her nose and cheeks.
"Sorry I just thought it was cute!" He mimicked with an amused grin. She joined in and laughed along with him.
"Ok you got me there!" They both laughed.

The two continued talking while the others (Max had gone to help Sky) proceeded with trying to help Aphmau and not get caught by Ross at the same time.

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