Now or Never (S&A POV)

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The girls quietly dashed down the corridor. They were just a couple of turns away from the storage room.
"So are we going with you check the top shelves and I check the bottom ones?" Aphmau questioned, giving a quick glance to her friend before immediately returning to watching where she was going.
"Yeah. It could take a while though..." Shelby replied, attempting to imagine what the layout of the room would be like. "I've heard that it's a pretty big room. Not to mention the number of shelves it has..."

A short while later, the two girls had arrived at the door to the storage room. With her partner keeping watch, Aphmau hesitantly pushed the door open, peeking inside of the darkened room to see it full of wooden shelves and boxes. She slowly stepped inside of the room with a surprised expression. Shelby followed close behind, letting a small "wow" slip from her lips. Aphmau gazed around the over-sized room and shelves before turning back to her friend with a smile.
"Well, let's not just stand here in awe! Let's get searching!" Shelby quickly nodded, returning her comrades grin before taking a running jump up to a higher shelf.

After a while of searching, they still hadn't found anything. They still had about one thousand shelves to go, probably more... Aphmau pulled out a drawer labeled as 'Extra Uniforms: 5' The past five drawers that had been labeled 'Extra Uniforms' were all empty. Well, empty aside from a glove or two. Hopeful but not really expecting much, she tugged on the handle, unsuccessful in opening it. The young girl just sighed and gripped the handle with both of her hands, she then roughly jerked her hands towards her, this time succeeding in opening the small storage area. Though Aphmau did flinch slightly when the lock broke... Leaving evidence that someone was there...

She shrugged it off for now, they could deal with that later. Taking a peek inside of the drawer, the bear hybrid saw a pile of neatly-folded, white lab coats.
"Bingo." Aphmau smirked and her eyes scanned the room, searching for her friend, finally landing on her after a second or two. "Hey Shelby! I found something!" Her red-headed partner immediately looked down at her, a hopefulness and excitement covering her face. Shelby turned back towards the shelf she was balancing on and carefully made her way down to the ground.

When the cat hybrid reached the floor, she ran to Aphmau, grinning.
"What did you find?" Excitement also coated her voice, not that Aph could blame her; She was just as happy that they had found, what could be, their ticket out of here.
"Lab coats I think." The raven-haired girl responded as she lifted the top outfit up by the shoulders, taking a good look at it.
"That's great! It's just what we need!" Shelby smiled brightly, also examining the coat. "How many are there?" Aphmau quickly reached into the drawer and counted the folded lab coats, before answering the question.
"Three! If the boys find enough outfits then we could all leave!" The girls shot each other joyful expressions as they took the coats; Aphmau carrying one and a couple of the masks that they wear, Shelby carrying two and three pairs of translucent science goggles.

Shelby reached for the door handle, the two about to exit the room. They suddenly hesitated, as they heard swift footsteps sprinting past. Aphmau crouched down and stared through the key hole, attempting to see who it was, only to see the runners gone and five or six guards chasing after them. The girls took this as their chance to run. Silently slipping the door open, the pair rapidly ran down to the outside area.

When they had stopped running, Shelby scrunched her eyes closed, confusing Aphmau as two white hearts formed around the girl, slowly fading just as they appeared. Now realising what she was doing, Aph whispered to her so she didn't break the others concentration.
"Make sure to tell them to keep searching." Shelby gave a small nod, keeping her friends words in mind. They could find more disguises and get everyone out at once.

As she opened her eyes again, the hearts fully faded. The girls both gave the other a quick smile as they ran back to the outside area.

I AM SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING IN SO LONG 😖 I kept trying to write this chapter but couldn't come up with anything after they got to the storage room... Plus we've been busy with Christmas and going back to school.
Anyway I'm sorry again but I hope that the chapter came out alright and that you enjoyed! :3
Have a good day! ❤️

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