Chapter 4: Training Partners

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Aphmaus POV:
As everyone was laughing and having fun with their new powers we heard a loud buzzing noise that quickly turned into a female voice. It made us all jump with its sudden appearance.
"All hybrids please make your way to the main hall." The woman behind the speaker commanded in a flat toned voice. Cory and Sky both sighed.
"That means another announcement..." Sky groaned.
"Yup..." Cory sighed. Trying to lighten up the mood a little I snickered.
"Pfft announcement in the main hall? What is this? A facility or a school?" This made Shelby giggle a bit as well. Sky and Cory smiled out of humour.
"Heh well ,we better get going. Don't want the guards to come for us." Max said. Cory and Sky showed us the way to the hall and we found a place where we could all stand together.
"Hybrids." A man at the front exclaimed, referring to us like dirt. "Since we now have new subjects, and very strong ones at that, we have come up with a new way of training. Since the new brats don't know how to their powers fully operate yet you will all get a training partner to work with." I didn't really pay attention to anything else apart from our names and who we were paired up with.
I was with Sky, Cory was with Shelby and Ross was with Max.

Skys POV:
This wasn't a coincidence... At this place, nobody is ever paired up with their friends unless there's a reason for it. The leader of the facility was saying something about pairing us up with people based on our strength. About the weak being paired with the strong. Then why were Aph and Shelby paired up with me and Cory? They aren't weak! And if anyone is thinking 'If Shelby isn't the weak one then maybe its Cory' You haven't seen him when he's mad. Once he literally broke a hole through the wall. A fully reinforced, stone brick wall. Yeah, he might have been using his powers with his punch but still! Anyway according to the man we could still train in groups but those would be our main partners.

Corys POV:
When the stupid announcement was finished me and Sky took the others to the training area. It was a big, circular, reinforced room with magic-proof walls and a glass roof that was also laced with magic to prevent it from breaking. Everyone went with their training partners to go and train (obviously.) I and Shelby went to an empty part of the room and we decided to help Shelby learn more about her powers since I have technically mastered mine at this point. Apparently, her power has something to do with light and love. I've heard that people with that power can heal.
"Ok from what I've heard you apparently can heal so I'm going to hurt myself and we will see if you can heal it ok?" I explained to her slowly.
"Alright. But what if I can't heal it or I mess up or-" She panicked slightly before I interrupted her.
"Calm down. I'm not gunna hurt myself that bad." I smiled and she nodded. A dark aura swirled around my hand as I punched my opposite arm with it. I didn't even get the chance to tell Shelby what to do as she had already run up next to me and started healing my arm, as if she had done this a million times before. In a few seconds, my arm had completely healed and it felt like the pain had just melted away.
"H-how did I-?" She was so confused by her own actions that she couldn't even complete her sentence. I just looked at her and couldn't stop myself from laughing at her confusion.
"Looks like you've already got that down. It feels like it wasn't even scratched!"

Shelbys POV:
I heard Cory laugh slightly as I was quickly flicking my vision between the two of my hands in surprise and confusion.
"Looks like you've already got that down. It feels like it wasn't even scratched!" He grinned.
"Well, that's good I guess!" I said beaming. I didn't realise but there were little white hearts floating around me. This happened earlier too so I guess it just happens when I'm happy! I'm looking forward to learning more about my new powers!

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