Chapter 5: 5 Years Later...

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5 Years Later...

Maxs POV:

I was sat on my ledge of stone (my 'bed') watching the others talk. It's been a long time since we came here...5 years to be exact. Me, Cory and Sky are 16 now, the girls are 15 and Ross is 14. Everyone is getting better at their powers too! Shelby can even revive the dead now! It really drains her power though so we try our best to not let her use it unless it's really serious. Don't get me wrong. People dying is REALLY serious but we cant just constantly let her use it if someone passes away... Anyway everyone was laughing and smiling. Things like this never lasted long in this place, but it was nice to enjoy while it did.

"Hey Max! Why are ya being all lonely up here?" A sudden voice came from behind me and made me jump.  I fell from my little ledge and hit the stone cold floor. I already knew who it was and growled.

"Sky...." I glared daggers at him.

"Heh heh Sorry!" He jumped down from the ledge and helped me up.


"No problem! It was my fault you fell anyway sooo..."

Ross POV:

After Sky and Maxs little accident everyone just continued with our conversations. Mine was with Shelby.

"So Ross, me and Cory are gunna go train later! Do you and Max wanna come?" Shelby asked cheerfully.

"Sure! But only as long as Cory and Max are ok with it..." I replied with a smile and she happily returned it.

"Lets go check! You ask Max and ill ask Cory." With that she ran off to speak to Cory, I walked calmly over to Max.

R: "Hey Max!"

M: "Oh. Sup Ross?"

R: "Me and Shelby were wondering if you wanted to go and train as a group today?"

M: "Sure. Who with?"

R: "Me, you, Shelby and Cory... If he agrees to it..."

M: *laughs a bit* "I'm sure he will."

With Cory And Shelby...

S: "Cory!"

C: "Hey Shelby. Whats up?"

S: "You wanna train as a group with You, me, Max and Ross today?"

C: "Ok."

S: "Yay!" *giggles*

C: *smiles and slightly blushes*

S: "H-hey are you blushing?"

C: "Huh?"

S: "Nevermind... See ya later!"

C: "See ya."

Back With Ross And Max...

Maxs POV:

Me and Ross were just chatting about random nonsense that had happened here over the past few years. He was talking about a time where Aph and Shelby got into a cat fight (it wasn't serious, they were just playing around) Aphmau accidentally hit Shelby to hard and hurt her. She started panicking and hugging her shouting "NUUUUU SHELBY PLZ DONT DIE ON MEEEEEEE!!!!!" Even though  she was just joking, it was hilarious. The two girls just started laughing afterwards and Aph healed Shelby. Theres been a lot of fun times with us but sadly, if we had to much fun, the guards would find out and punish the one who started it. This had happened at least nine times before.

"Max?" Ross asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Are you ok?" He sounded worried...

"I'm fine. Why?"

"Your ears just drooped.."

"No I'm ok."

"You sure..?"

"Yeah im fine. Just thinking about the bad things we have been through..."

"Aw don't worry about those things Max." An abrupt voice chirped. "Oh and Cory agreed to the group training idea!" I turned to my left to see Shelby stood there smiling at me.

"Hey to lift your spirits how about we play a game of tag?!" She proposed with a mischievous grin.

"Shelby Im not letting you get punished by the guards just for trying to cheer me up." I argued. Now everyone was stood with us listening to the conversation. Shelby went quiet for a minute.

"Who said shes getting punished?" Cory interrupted. Everyone just stared at him in confusion.

R: "What do you mean?"

A: "Yeah...Everyone who tries to have fun is punished..."

C: "I know. If the guards find out then I'm taking the punishment."

Sk: "Cory no."

Sh: "Yeah its ok. If they find out I'll just tak-

C: "No you wont. I've taken a punishment before, I can do it again."

Sk: "We don't wanna see you go through it again!"

Sh: "..."

A: "Guys shut up the guards are coming!"

Skys POV:

We all rushed over to our beds and sat down like nothing ever happened. Just as Ross sat down the guards opened the door.

"Hey brats. Class time. Get changed." One of them commanded, throwing school uniforms at us.

"What class?" Max asked puzzled as he picked up one of the male uniforms.

"All hybrids will now be taking classes to keep their education up." Explained the guard. "Just go get changed." Without saying a word in response we all went to our own changing rooms (yes they put six small rooms in here for us to get changed.)

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