Chapter 17: Planning The Escape

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Third Person:

The group sat under the tree in a circle, planning out how they were going to escape. For the main plan they had decided to find a guards uniform and send Ross to attempt to sneak out, Max would also go as a backup in case Ross didn't get through. They would then make their way to their home town and try locate Irene or Shad. Aphmau had informed everyone that these were her parents and that they were the rulers. They would be able to shut down the facility.

If that failed then Cory had offered to use his illusions again to get them through, even if it meant risking him passing out. If that also backfired, they would have the guards watching them 24/7. They had taken this into consideration while making their final plan. Aphmau and Shelby would distract the guards. They would do this by asking questions, offering to help with random tasks, asking for help with training, etc. Meanwhile the others would attempt to break through the walls. The walls were magic-proof so they wouldn't be able to use their powers but maybe they could find some tools or guards weapons to help them. If anything else was needed the last resort was to try force their way out through violence.

Not everyone liked the last plan but they all agreed that if it was needed, they would do it. Sky suggested that they split up into pairs to find the guard outfits. The pairs were: Sky and Cory, Shelby and Aphmau and Max and Ross. Each pair had been given a distinct location to search, they even used their hybrid features to their advantage. Sky and Cory would search the main guard office, they were faster hybrids so they would be able to get out quickly if needed. The girls would check the storage room because they were able to climb the best, they would be able to reach the higher shelves. Last but not least, Max and Ross would look in the safe room. That was the most guarded area and they were the stealthiest out of the group, so it would be easier for them to get in undetected.

After planning the group took a while to discuss things further and if they needed to rethink some things.
"What if we can't get guard outfits?" Max rightfully questioned, looking up at the rest. "Straight to plan two?"
"Yep. Unless we could come up with a substitute." Sky replied, taking a moment to think.
"What about lab coats?" Shelby suggested, the others agreeing with the idea.
"So if one of the guards catches any of us then we just attempt to fight them off or..?" Ross' voice trailed off as he awaited an answer.

Eventually they came up with the idea of meeting up and fighting off the guard from there, if they couldn't outrun them or get out any other way (Ross' invisibility, Cory's illusions, Sky's flight, etc.) They decided to make sure that everyone had a way of notifying the others. Then the others would know to meet up. If someone found the armour or lab coats then they would sent out some sort of message or simply go find the others.

At least one person in each pair had a way of sending out some sort of message. Cory would use an illusion, good or bad depending on if they needed help or if they had found the outfits. Shelby would make a small white heart appear with the others, if the girls were in trouble the heart would be breaking, if they had found the things they needed it would be glowing. Max would make a fireball appear, similar to Shelby; If they were in trouble, the fire would be dying  down but if they had found the armour or coats, it would be burning.

Aphmau's POV:

This plan is really risky in my opinion. If one of us gets caught, it's over unless we can rescue them... It will be worth it though if we all escape.

Max's POV:

Some of the others seem pretty nervous about the plan, most likely because of the different ways it could turn out. I believe that we will get through it fine if everything goes in order though.

Shelby's POV:

If this goes right then everything else should go fine. The only part I'm nervous about is if it doesn't go right... If one of us get's hurt then, not only is that one person down, but the other plans wouldn't work either... Plus we would worry about them a lot. What if we couldn't get them out with us?

Cory's POV:

I think this is going to be fine. All we have to do is find some guard armour or a couple lab coats. We can deal with the guards and if this plan goes wrong then we have lots of other plans as backup.

Sky's POV:

If we can get this first part down, the rest should go smoothly. The main goal of this is make sure we all get out of this place and that we get out alive. If Max and Ross can get Irene and Shad, who will most likely bring an army, then we could free not only ourselves but the rest of the poor people trapped here too.

Ross' POV:

I'm nervous but I believe that we can do this. We need to do this. I'm a little nervous because we could easily mess the tiniest thing up and it could screw up everything else. We can't afford to mess up, not when we've gotten so far. We've survived this long, now to just get out.

Third Person POV:

After agreeing and going over everything, the teenagers set their plan in motion.

Finally over that writers block! :D Dang that sucked but I managed to come up with a chapter. Hope it was alright and I hope you guys enjoyed it! Baiii  :3

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