Chapter 18: Now or Never (S&C POV)

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The six of them got to their feet and shared several glances with each other before giving a nod and hesitantly running to their designated locations. They were now split into three groups of two. Cory and Sky, Aphmau and Shelby and finally, Max and Ross. So far everything had gone to plan; Now to just find the outfits, get back together then get the pair out and searching for help.

With Sky and Cory...

The two boys swiftly darted down the corridor as quietly as possible. They had to slow down a little, so they wouldn't make as much noise. Sky and Cory were on their way to the main guards office, hoping that it would be empty. They got to a spot close to the office where they could stop and talk.
"Hey Sky?" Cory suddenly whispered, quiet enough so nobody else was alerted but loud enough for Sky to hear him. "What do we do if there are guards there? We can't just run in, we need a plan."
"We knock 'em out. That should buy us at least a couple minutes" Sky explained vaguely, surprising his partner with what he came up with. "If they aren't expecting us, they won't be as well prepared to deal with an attack. If they aren't prepared then we have a better chance."

The pair discussed what they were going to do and how before actually taking action. Being the tallest out of the two, Sky stood on his tip-toes and peeked through the top window. The office contained about six to seven soldiers but, surprisingly, no weapons were in sight. Sky didn't let his guard down though. He waved his hand, signalling to Cory that they could enter.

The two boys silently made their way to the doorway before hesitantly opening it. They stepped in, alerting the guards of their presence. The soldiers all stood up from their chairs and spun around, holding weapons firmly in their hands.
"I though you said they didn't have weapons?!" Cory questioned, turning to Sky, who was also shocked.
"They didn't when I looked!"

The group of armed men surrounded the pair. The wolf hybrid gave a small sigh and raised his hands in defeat.
"Smart choice dog boy..." The captain of this specific team told them with a dangerous stare. Sky, not knowing what else to do, also raised his hands in the air. Without warning, a smirk grew on Cory's face as the lion hybrid noticed him beginning to fade away.

"You guys really suck at your job." He snickered before disappearing fully and appearing behind the leader. Cory expeditiously jumped into the air and kicked him in the side of the head, being sure to knock him unconscious but not kill him. Sky smiled and began running circles around the soldiers. Half of the guards were focusing on Cory and the other half were attempting to catch Sky.

Cory was mainly using force to defend himself, using his dark hybrid powers for a better shot at winning. Sky, however, was mostly evading the soldiers attacks, using his hybrid powers to efficiently fly and leap around the room. Occasionally they would both switch tactics, aiming to confuse the adults or catch them off guard, though it wouldn't be long before they both went back to their original plans.

After a couple minutes of fending off the guards, the door abruptly burst open. Sky, rapidly made his way to his partner and helped him to get rid of the remaining guards. After they were in the clear, they immediately made their way to the back of the room. They had already come to the conclusion that if the doors were slammed open like that, it wasn't any other hybrid and it definitely wouldn't be their friends. So that left two more possibilities: backup soldiers or scientists who would call for backup soldiers.

Before they had entered the room, the pair had planned an escape route incase something went wrong. There was a window in the back of the office that led straight into a main corridor, it was also big enough for them to jump through. Their plan was to get to the window, quickly jump through and run to the training area, where they would have an advantage on the apparatus. If that backfired, there was always the help signal that they could send out to the others.

The two of them effortlessly leapt through the fragile glass, shattering it in the process and landing on the clean tiled floor with a skid. Hastily regaining their balance, they rapidly sprinted down the hallway, on their way to the training area.

Hey guys! I'm really sorry about not updating again... I've not really been able to think of much until now. I'm also trying to juggle this with school, my other stories, youtube and my personal life 😅 Yeah I really need to slow down a bit...

Hope you enjoyed and have a good day/night!

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