Chapter 15| Spidey VS Stark

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4:01 pm; Monday- Avengers facility

I instantly bring my gun up and aim at Peter.


I walk closer, slithering each step quick, and strategically. He runs towards me fastly, confusing me by his straight on choices.

I begin rapidly shooting as he darted toward me, with bang after bang. He dodged every one though and jumped over me.

My eyes went wide as he webbed my back, and glued me down to the ground. I gasped and struggled to get out. He began walking near me to see his finished work.

"See, I told you. You should have stopped when-"

I kicked him where the sun doesn't shine.

"And you should of webbed my legs, ya silly goose!" I heard snickers from the 'crowd' or Avengers when I kicked him.

He winced in pain as I jumped up back on my feet. I slid my leg in a circle, as a powerful kick to his stomach. I learned that one from Natasha.

He fell back more until he reached the ground on his knees covering his groin area. I smirked as I ran over to him, but just as I got near him, he webbed the ceiling above us and shot up with it in the escape.

"SERIOUSLY?!" I yell, as my eyes follow him crawling around on the ceiling from his web. He shoots a web down, and it captured me like a claw machine as he heaved me back up by the gooey string.

"PUT ME DOWN THIS INSTANT PETER!" I yell, but he ignores me. I grab my gun and shoot the string, sending me falling down from the detachment. I land in a squat and flipped my head back up to try and find Peter on the ceiling.

He was still up there, so I began shooting upwards. I was clever, I shoot at the web instead of him so the whole web lost its connection to the ceiling.

Peter came falling, just like I did except a higher height. He landed smack on his back and groaned in pain. I walk over with my gun faced at him until I was literally standing above his hurt body.

"Give up?" I smirk, knowing I had him captured.


He webbed my gun and brought it down towards him away from me. Little did he know how strong he was, and brought me along with.

I crash against someone with the same impact as the gun. I fell with my eyes closed.

I open them to see I was on top of Peter.


Chest to chest.

"Oh um, hi," he says, as he looks at me.

"Helllooo..." I say. We stare at each other blankly for a few seconds in silence.

We suddenly burst into laughter, as we both realized what a fight we just went through. I rub my eyes in embarrassment. I wasn't sure how to get off him without making it more awkward.

"Um, hello? Am I ruining a moment here?" I turn and face my head up to see not only my father but all the Avengers huddling over us from above.

My face goes red as I instantly get off Peter while I straighten myself out. We both jumped up to face them, and stop our laughter.

"So who won?" Peter asks, changing the subject.

"Neither of you," Steve replies. Both Peter and I groan together.

"So I won the bet since I never better!" Scott cheers, while the other start arguing. I just turn to Peter and shrug, while he smiles back to me.


I munch on the poptart Thor bought me this morning. I decided to meet Ashtyn early this morning before school, so I forgot to eat breakfast at home.

"Have you ever wondered if a Samsung phone was a person if it would enjoy apples?" Ashtyn asked as she examined the granny smith apple in her hand. She squinted at it with all her might, yet kept a stern and relaxed expression.

We stood near my locker and discussed random topics. It usually was never this random thought.

"No...? Have you?"

She embarrassingly smiled as she continued to look at the food item from different angles, "Well, I mean, it would only make sense."

I giggled softly, "Sure. Whatever you say."

We continued to eat our breakfast in the early morning in silence, while we watched some kids walk through the hallways. Occasionally teachers as well.

There weren't many students, but I saw Kade Austin come and stop at his locker. Most likely for football practice. He stood looking through his locker, which happened to be across the hall from mine. My heart melted at the sight.

I wanted to squeal at Ashtyn about it, but he would hear. I look at her to send her a visual message to look across the hallway, but she was too busy scrolling through her phone. I frowned and picked up my phone to text her.


Thor/Poptart Stealer

Kade. Austin. Is. Across. The. Freaking. Hallway. *mentally squeals*

Who is Kade Austin?


My eyes went wide realizing I texted the REAL Thor instead of 'Thor Lover.' Yes, that was Ashlyn's name on my phone.


Sorry! Wrong Person

Wait, does Little Stark have a crush?:)

Ew no!!!! It's not what you think!


NO, I DO NOT SON OF ODIN! And stop saying 'Oh em gee' its omg!

I need to inform everybody about this! I must find this young lad who stole your innocent heart!



Are you kidding me? Thor, I do not like him. I do not love him. Please pretend this never even happened.

Okay, okay. I will. Have a healthy and full of learning day at school Little Stark! Goodbye!

Bye Thor

...Can I at least see a picture of him?




I sighed as I turned off my phone, only to be startled by the reflection of what was in the now black screen of the device.

I turn my head up and see Ashtyn, leaning over the phone as she watched it in amusement.

"You know, you should have just said Kade was an alien or something." I glared at her concern with what happened since she instead critiqued me. Luckily, Kade wasn't at his locker anymore.

"Remind me if I ever... just happen to get married to Kade... to not have Thor on the guest's list." We both laughed at my joke, as I smiled at my poptart wrapper in memorization of Thor.

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