Chapter 48| Not Again

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9:24 pm; Friday - Midtown Highschool


I shoved Kade off me faster than I could even feel his lips on mine.

"What the hell?!" I shouted at him. I hastily stood up, rushing away from him. He quickly reacted though and jumped right in front of me.

"Wait a minute - Maria, let me explain-"

"NO KADE! NO! I have a boyfriend! You know this! And you just kiss me- like it doesn't even matter- no! NO!" I hysterically snapped. I was so done. I must have been drawing the few people's attention out here because Kade tried signaling to quiet down.

"Shhh! Quiet down! I'm sorry - okay?" My angry breathing slowed down, but that didn't help my temper.

"I am leaving. Now. Goodbye, Kade. Have a nice night, " I sternly said as I passed him and kept stomping away. Surprisingly, he didn't chase after me.

"Who's going to give you a drive home?!" Kade yelled after me.


but then I stopped. I couldn't tell Happy to pick me up. He would wonder where Peter was. And he would question why I came home so early. Frick.

I turned around slowly to see that dumb, idiot, selfish, boy smiling smugly at me. He knew I couldn't get a ride home. I laughed at him, but in a ticked off manner.

"Oh, no, no, no. I know what you're thinking. And it's not happening. I'll walk home if I have to, " I stated. Like challenging me, he raised an eyebrow. I knew I couldn't walk home. I lived way too far away to get there on foot. I couldn't ask anyone else either...

"I could give you a ride. I swear I won't do anything like earlier, " he said, actually quite seriously. We stood a good distance between us, but I could tell he was not smirking or anything. I sighed, weighing my options. Either stay here or go with Kade. Not much of a choice.

"Fine, " I let in, "but if you dare do one thing that sets me off, I swear you won't see the light of day, " I threatened him. He nodded, with his hands up in surrender, like he was willingly agreeing.

"Alright then. Follow me, " he told me. I silently obeyed.


I sat in the same sturdy chair, facing the woman's desk. Gus- or whoever he was- set me up here. I was fuming. I wanted out.

I have been sitting here by myself for quite some time, not exactly knowing what was going to happen. I mean, until the strange woman came back out through the doorway.

She made her way to her desk and sat down. She stared straight at me and then leaned her head sideways... as though if she was observing me.

"You're even more remarkable in real life, Peter."

"Stop saying my name."

She frowned, not liking my response.

"Alright, " I could hear the menace in her voice, "how about... oh I don't know..." she twirled her hair obnoxiously like she was pretending to think, "Spiderman?"

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