Chapter 32| Kiss

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9:46 pm; Friday- fairgrounds

We went around the ferris wheel a few times, and Maria loved it. She would laugh when her hair blew through the wind from the speed, and she would point at things she spotted out from above.

'"Look, I can see the entire fair from here!"', was something I recalled her saying. It was enjoyable, despite us spending so many rides on the wheel. Slowly, people started piling off. I no longer saw the two teenagers we first saw before the ride. I mean, the fair did close at ten, which meant I would have to tell her soon.

It was all coming, the words I rehearsed in the mirror, everything I pushed away in my brain for the perfect moment. I was almost hoping something would fail, maybe it would have rained, or Maria would of saw some of her friends that didn't like me and she would go off with them, or anything that would of gave me an excuse to not do this.

But, just like I wished, everything was perfect.

I could feel the ride surprisingly slowing down, however, which was odd. I looked straight below us, to see the last passengers step off. It was just us now, at the top, in the silence of the cool night.

Stan Lee, or whoever the weird man was, went back to the control panel to pull the level, but it would not budge. He tried again, but it stayed right in place, reminding me of the milk jars from the game earlier tonight.

"Why aren't we going, Peter?"

"I'm not sure. I think the ride worker is trying to get us down." I could see him ponder about what to do, and then he looked up at us.

"HEY KIDS, I AM GOING TO GO FIND SOMEONE TO FIX THIS! I WILL BE BACK WITH HELP SHORTLY, " he cupped his mouth and yelled up at us. I didn't respond since he was already off looking. It was just us now, and a few people scattered around the fairground. Most of them were exiting. I could feel Maria get tense next to me.

"He'll be back, right?" she nervously asked.

"Yeah, of course. Don't worry, " I reassure her, but I wasn't so sure myself. It was ironic how we both just happened to be stuck by ourselves up here, well, at least for now until TED and the Avengers come. Oddly enough, it was peacefully silent between us. There was a soft wind, but nothing too harsh. I enjoyed every calm moment, knowing it might be my last after this.

"Thank you for everything tonight, " Maria finally spoke up. I smiled softly.

"Of course."

The silence continued after that, which almost felt like an urge to get me to do something. I felt hot, almost like sweat, dripping off me from the temptation. But it wasn't even there, I was just imagining it.

Say it, Peter.


Just like we rehearsed. Tell her how beautiful she is. Tell her how much she means to you. Tell her how she lights up your world.



"MARIA!" I yell out, losing control. Maria jumps, startled by my shoutout.

"Jeez, my ears, what was that for?"

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