Chapter 29| Fragile Hands

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6:53 pm; Wednesday- the mall

Is is true I am 'basic' now that I have purchased a Starbucks product?

I look down at the disposable coffee cup with the signature Starbucks logo on it. At the time, I got straight black coffee since I had no clue what to get. Plus, the long line of people behind Maria and I, made me anxious. I just went there to make her happy, but I'm not going to lie, now I would totally go back.

Maria and I walked down the mall pathway with our drinks in our hands. Groups of people passed us, some coming our direction, some going against to our direction. Groups of giggling girls with Victoria Secret and Hollister bags, couples holding hands, and some families with way too many kids is what you would generally see. Most people passed us because of our slow walking, because well, we weren't here for the reason they all were. We had a mission, to spot out any TED workers, which is why we were so skeptical... trying to blend in.

"You know, Starbucks honestly isn't that bad, " I say casually to Maria walking next to me. Maybe it's good we started an actual conversation instead of constantly talking about TED.

"I like the tea better. The mocha's give me a sugar high, " she replies. She had a drink of tea in her hand, which was just plain green tea. It had a strong smell though.

"Yeah, tea-"

A ringing started coming from Maria's watch, and a notification from Michelle popped up. Her AI spoke to her in her ear, but I could read it on the watch's shiny screen too. Maria nodded her head towards the hallway leading down to the mall's bathrooms, which were abandoned, and I followed. Once the coast was clear, a hologram of Mr. Stark appeared above her watch.

"Hello, kids. You at the mall now?" his hologram self asked us. It was kind of funny.

"Yes. We haven't seen anything yet, but we are searching."

"Okay, stay safe. We'll wait for reports." Tony then narrowed his eyebrows at Maria's other hand. "You got Starbucks? Without me-"

"TELL THEM TO FOCUS, TONY. NO CAFFEINE FOR THEM, OR YOU!" I heard Pepper say in the background. Maria laughed. Mr. Stark looked back to us after listening to Pepper and rolled his eyes.

"Alright, no Starbucks. Stay safe, love you."

"I will, love you too. Bye, " Maria said before the hologram disappeared. She puffed out a breath and looked up to me.

"Ready? Let's go search."


After searching for two hours, we have found absolutely nothing. People slowly began disappearing the mall, I mean, it was a Wednesday night. People usually don't come on the weekdays.

Maria looked helpless and tired. The mall closed in about an hour, which really sucked. We looked through every store and saw about every person. Was it a lie that they were here?

We came across the last shop at the dead end of the mall. No one was here, besides a few people scattered about. RICKY'S it read in bright neon letters. I never heard of it, but Maria's eyes lit up.

"No way! They have this store here now?" she spoke to herself, looking up at the store's sign in amazement. I stood confused.

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