Chapter 41| Midnight Surprise

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12:11 am; Thursday- Stark Mansion

Peter Parker was on top of a tree near the Stark mansion. He observed the beautiful home stealthily, reviewing his plan.

"Okay... just sneak in, and wake her up. Hopefully, she will recognize me..." the teenager spoke to himself anxiously. He shot a web rope to upon another tree and jumped to swing across to the window. Ironically, it happened to be open, which was good for Peter. Although, as he swung for his dear life, he ran out of length from the rope and made a jump for it.

"Oh boy.." He leaped, frailing his wild arms in the air until they grabbed a hold of the edge of the window. He grunted from the impact, before heaving himself up and over the ledge.

He flopped on the other side on his back and caught his breath on the floor of Maria's room. Eventually, he got himself up after his heart rate went back to normal. He tore off his mask and fully looked around the dark room. However, as he got closer to the bed, he noticed the moonlight hitting Maria's bed proved that it was... empty.


"Need something, Peter?"

All of a sudden, the bright lights turned on and startled him. He turned around to find Tony Stark leaned against the bedroom door frame in a robe and slippers... and a watering can.


"We have a front door, you know, " Tony casually said. Peter's eyes were wide, still in shock.

"Mr. Stark- I-I didn't mean anything bad-"

"Are you sure, kid?" he slyly replied to Peter with raised eyebrows. Peter's face went red and ignored the question.

"Where's Maria?"

"Well... I accidentally woke her up." He raised his arm up that held the water can and Peter narrowed his eyebrows.

"Why are you watering plants at twelve in the morning?"

"Well, why did you sneak into my daughter's room like a ninja at twelve in the morning?" Peter frowned while Tony waited unamused for his excuse.

"I... well I- I mean I..." Peter tried using hand gestures to help explain, but was unaware it revealed the thing he was hiding behind his back. Tony, however, took notice of this. He had his arms crossed as he leaned off the doorframe and tried peering behind Peter's back.

"What's that?"

"Oh, this? Uh, nothing."

"Let me see it, Peter."

"It's nothing important, really..." Peter fumbled to hide the object behind his back, but Tony was too fast and snatched it out of his hands. He observed the object disapprovingly at first but then smirk appeared on his face once he realized what it was.

"You were going to ask Maria to Homecoming, weren't you?" he asked as Peter awkwardly scratched the back of his neck. He was eager to get the box of poptarts back.

"I um-"

"You would POP MY HEART if you went to Homecoming with me', " Tony read what Peter had written on the box with a smile. "That's real cute, " he told Peter while handing him back the box.

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