Chapter 23| Tampon Savior

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10:21 am; Saturday- Avenger's facility

"You want me to do what?!"

"Steve, we went over this for the third time. Can you go to the local store and pick up my dearest daughter, Maria, a box of tampons?"

Tony Stark stood leaned up against the side of the wall, while Steve worked his hardest at the punching bag. Punch after punch, it began to become hard to focus. Tony, on the other hand, found this hilarious. Messing with Steve wasn't only likable, it was a hobby.

"Tony- I don't think it's my place to buy that type of stuff for her. Let Pepper," Steve offered as he threw another punch. He was breathing heavily now, sweat drizzling down him as well.

"Pepper is gone for a Stark Industries meeting this weekend. I have important stuff to do, why can't you just pick it up real quick?" Steve sighed or huffed. It was hard to tell since he was both physically and now mentally worn out from Tony's pleadings.


"Hey Steve, have you ever heard of Twitter-" Bucky strolled in, eyes glued to his phone. He abruptly stopped talking once he noticed Tony was there though and confusingly stared at him.

"What is he doing here? Dr. Banner isn't here currently," Bucky noted. Tony glared at him for his rude question.

"Well no duh," Tony cockly said, "I am here on the behalf of my daughter's feminal health." Bucky narrows his eyebrows and Steve shook his head in annoyance.

"She needs tampons," Steve explained to Bucky. His eyes went wide and he slowly nodded with a curved lip.

"Yes," Tony exaggerated by clasping his hands together, "so, maybe you can take O' Buckaroo with you to pick them up." Bucky opens his mouth to argue, but Tony beats him to it.

"You had a sister, didn't you Buck? You should know this stuff." Bucky narrows his eyebrows and stares off with a faraway look. He didn't seem to want to answer that question.

"Okay, Tony, we get it-"

"So you will be a champ and go get them for me? Aw, that's so sweet," Tony sneerily notes, as he turns to leave. He snags on his sunglasses, and you could hear his keys jingle.

"Well, I'll be on my way. Thanks so much, again!" he loudly barks.

"Wait, Tony!" Steve goes to follow him in his shadow to protest.

"Oh yeah," he turned to speak at Steve, "just drop it off at my place. No need to sweat about it." He offers a forced smiled before turning and slamming the door in Steve's face. Steve kept his eyes shut from the slam of the door, and inhaled and exhaled slowly. He wasn't sure whether he was gullible or pissed.

"Should- should we go?" Bucky stands somewhat behind him, not sure how to exactly speak to Steve now. He doesn't even turn to respond.

"Get in the car," he flatly replies.


Steve perceives at the shelves of female hygienic products. He stood broadly, with his hands planted on his hips. He squinted at the tampons as if it would help anything.

"Bucky, why are there tampon sizes? I thought there was only one type of tampon," Steve commented, not lifting his eyes off the boxes. Bucky shifted awkwardly, withdrawn from the shelves. He didn't feel very comfortable in public, and especially in this specific spot of the store.

"Um... I am not very sure." He began moving a closer proximity to Steve and the shelves. Once he took a notice of what Steve meant, his expression seemed aghast.

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