Chapter 30| Last Chance

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11:49 am; Thursday- the lunch room

I dug my fork deeper into the chunky macaroni and cheese. I forcefully stabbed some noodles, gathering them up and scooping the cheese with it. Piling it into my mouth, I swallow without chewing.

"Jeez Peter, ever heard of chewing?" To my surprise, Ned noticed. He warily stares at me with concern.

"Duh, I'm not dumb-" I stop myself for some reason, I was tired of keeping it all in.

"Sorry, I just don't know what to do, " I take a deep breath, "I haven't for the past few days." I look down at the bowl below me and dig my head between my elbows resting on the table for a second.

"About what?" Ned narrowed his eyebrows. Should I tell the big mouth? I mean, he knows I'm Spiderman so honestly who cares.

"I like Maria, " I whisper lowly to just him. He frowns confused. I sigh and lean more towards him.

"I mean, like a lot. Like how I liked Liz, " I explain. Ned's eyes went wide like he finally understood, and he backed away from our leaning in.

"No way! I knew you liked her! I knew it, I knew it!" he said joyfully, "Ashtyn said you would never like her like that, but I was right!"

"Shhh! Quiet down!" I hush him as I look over to see if Maria or Ashtyn noticed the commotion. They weren't at our lunch table right now, and instead were standing over by another table and talking to a few of the girls and guys there.

"What do you mean by you and Ashtyn?" I ask shortly. His face goes numb.

"Well... when you and Maria were busy and content with the movie on Tuesday, Ashtyn and I made another bet. I bet that you liked her, and she disagreed, " he spoke. I roll my eyes and shake my head.

"Okay- whatever! Just don't tell Ashtyn about this or you winning the bet... I want to tell Maria first, " I stumble out. Ned smiled like he didn't see what was so wrong.

"Okay, go for it! Once she is done talking to Jason, Abe, and Betty, tell her-"

"No, Ned. It isn't that simple, " I cut him off being stubborn. I exhale.

"I shouldn't like Maria. I really shouldn't. Out of all the girls I could now like, it shouldn't be her." I stare at her as I spoke to Ned.

"I work with Maria, and honestly, we're friends now. If I were to ruin that, whether it be by me confessing and her not feeling the same or us ever breaking up, that will destroy everything." I could feel sadness dwell over me as I said the words out loud. "Maria and I are pure opposites. She's an outgoing, popular and super comfortable with everything. And I'm..." I look down, searching for words. Ned remained silent surprisingly.

"I'm me. The awkward and annoying talkative boy helping the Avengers. Maria doesn't like guys like me. She likes guys like Kade, guys that don't find their only purpose being a superhero." I lean my head on my fist. "Plus, how do I explain to Mr. Stark that I'm dating his daughter? Or the Avengers? If I even made it that far, I mean..." I trail off, deciding it isn't worth it to continue. I proved my point, and I think Ned even realized it himself. He sat there in deep thought, letting the pleasant silence fill up our table.

"I am going to suggest something. You can either take it or leave it, " Ned earnestly states. I raise an eyebrow. "Tomorrow is supposedly your last mission with her, correct?"


"Tell her there, at the fair as you told me. That might be your last chance, Peter. Friday night. It will be perfect." I sat and thought about it, maybe it isn't that bad of an idea.

Tomorrow, even though Mr. Stark didn't straight out say it was my last mission with Maria, but he told me they finally might capture TED. They were coming to the local fair tomorrow, and Maria and I were going. Once they attacked, the Avengers will come in and take them down as a surprise. But if we do finally settle this once and for all- maybe I won't see Maria outside of school ever again. I wasn't quite sure yet.

"What do I even say? 'Oh, by the way, before we kick some butt, I like you a lot'?" I sarcastically mock. Ned frowns and shakes his head.

"No, take her on the Ferris wheel. Tell her. And if she doesn't like you back, you may not even have another mission with her, so it won't matter."

"My heart matters though. It will be shattered," I protest. He sighs.

"I don't know Peter, it's a chance. But this is your last chance, so remember that, " he said before getting up to dump his tray. He left me stumped, and better yet confused.

Is this really my last chance?



"His name is Peter, Peter Parker, " I state as I looked at the footage. Gus nodded and wrote down some more notes to tell her.

"Not only is he Stark's Spiderman- but he seems to be close with the daughter as well, " I pick up the photo of them holding hands, just freshly printed yesterday. "Maybe even closer than what we thought, " I add on.

"Chuck died from that teenager?" Gus questions unbelieving.

"We aren't quite sure. It doesn't matter, we have the evidence, enough to please her, " I shove off his off-topic question.

"He's going to be with the girl tomorrow. We have to be careful, he seems to be good at keeping her safe, " I say briefly.

"Maria Stark seems too also know how to take care of herself as well, " he said, pointing to photo of her and the gun. I raise my eyebrows and nod slowly in agreement.

"It doesn't matter. A whole army, against two teenagers, " I snickered. "Plus, " I smirk, "we know more than they think."

Gus smiled knowingly, the sinister holding it up high.

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