Chapter 45| The Butt Move

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Friday; 7:36 pm- Stark Mansion

I perceived my reflection in the mirror before me. The vibrant red dress, that flew down to the backs of my knees, was more eye-catching then I remembered at the mall.

I never really was one of those girls who cared too much what they looked. Not that I was careless, but I wasn't obsessive. I also wasn't ever severely insecure, nor was I super confident. I was your typical balance.

But tonight felt different.

Maybe it was the anxiety telling myself the silly negative thoughts, or maybe it was just what I thought people were to say. But it wasn't so much the dress that made me nervous, it was just the faith of the future tonight truly. And it didn't help that Ashtyn hasn't been speaking to me the past week for some reason.

What if Peter doesn't like the dress and figures he doesn't want to go to the dance with you. Or what if your dad tells you 'no' right before you leave. What if-

But my thoughts were interrupted by the creak of the door behind me. My eyes saw the reflection of long, ginger hair - instantly recognizing it was Pepper. I took a deep breath in, as she gently approached me from behind. She had a few bobby-pins and began sliding them through parts of my hair to secure everything. My hair was already done, but I had been waiting for her to give it's finishing touch.

Finally, she let go of me and we both looked at myself yet again in the mirror. My makeup looked very elegant, and the natural shades complimented my loose curls very well. I noticed she smiled at the sight of me.

"You look very beautiful, " she said softly as I continued to look at myself.

"Thank you, Pepper, " I say, and surprisingly turned and hugged her. I didn't hug her often. After a second though, she hugged me back.

"I know I don't say it often but I do appreciate everything you do for me... and my dad, " I spoke as I let go of her. She kept smiling down at me and I could tell what I said meant a lot to her.

"It's my pleasure, dear. Even dealing with Tony sometimes..." We both laughed at her comment before she signaled back at the door.

"I think they're waiting for you. Are you ready?" she asked.

"Yeah, let's go, " I say, a little more confident.

I stopped before the staircase, so I was hidden in the dark. I looked down to see practically all the Avengers there chatting. My eyes scanned the small crowd until they landed on Peter. I could feel my heart melt on spot... he looked perfect. In every way. And for some reason, that made me even more nervous.

I took a deep breath before I began walking down the stairs. First Clint looked up, pausing what he was saying to Nat, who soonly followed his actions. It felt like a movie, making the grand entrance with all eyes on me as everyone fell silent. However, Peter was the last to notice me and still had his back towards the stairs. He was rambling on to Bucky about something and wasn't even aware everyone stopped talking.

As I reached the ground, where I was practically behind him, I could see Bucky smirk over Peter's shoulder at me. I slowly tapped Peter's back, and he confusingly stops talking. As he turned around, I could have sworn his eyes lit up once he saw the sight of me.

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