Chapter 27| Oh No

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7:04 pm; Tuesday- Aunt May's apartment

She showed up.

I stare at Maria blankly as she waits for me to react.

"Uh, sorry its a little late, I had some stuff to get done. I think it's about seven, but I can stay for a while, " she offers with a nervous smile.


"YOU SHOWED UP! DANG IT!" I hear a loud- obviously Ashtyn- come up from behind and yell. Maria frowns.

"You didn't want me to come?"

"HA! I WON THE BET!" I heard Ned yell from the couch. I sighed.

"What are you guys yelling about?! Quiet down, I got neighbors, remember?" I scorn at the two I consider my 'friends'. Well, not really Ashtyn, she's just... herself. Ashtyn grabbed Maria's hand and pulled her into the apartment. I quickly backed away.

"We set a bet if you would show up or not. Ned won, and now I owe him twenty dollars, " she explained as I shut the door behind them. I didn't even know about this. Ned snickered cheerfully.

"Pay up!"

"Sucks for you, I ain't got no cash right now, " she sleazy says back. Ned glares at her but doesn't say anything because I was too quick to cut it off.

"Guys, can you talk about this some other time? You're making Maria uncomfortable, " I say, kindly since she was here. Even though the two dumb and dumber were in a death glare, they shoved off the topic and put their focus back on Maria.

"Well, Maria, welcome to the Parker apartment, " Ned announces as he lies back onto the couch in great comfort. Maria smiles and rolls her eyes.

"Are you hungry? We made frozen pizza if you're interested, " I ask.

"Oh, I already ate but thank you, " she answers rejecting my offer. "So, what were you guys doing before I got here?" she continues now, walking around and observing my Aunt May's apartment. I felt bad oddly because the entire apartment was literally the size of just a room in her mansion... like this was an unworthy place for her.

"Just hanging out. We were about to watch some Star Wars, but clearly, YOU would have no idea what that is, " Ashtyn teased her, but I found it interesting.

"Wait, you never have seen Star Wars?" I ask with utter surprise. She was staring at a picture framed of my family, consisting of Aunt May, Uncle Ben when he was alive, and I. She whipped her head back and her hair moved out of her face.

"No... I never have got the time to. I'm used to getting bullied by Ashtyn about it, " she answers with an embarrassed smile. Ned laughs.

"Well, why not watch it now? We have some time, I can even make popcorn," he offers happily. Most likely it was a mood affect still from him winning the bet. Her eyes shift back to me after listening to Ned.

"You sure?" she questions, like asking for my permission. I smile.

"Yeah, absolutely. I'll go put in the movie."


"Wait... so is Anakin Skywalker a good guy or bad guy?" Maria whispers next to me as she chews on some popcorn. I chuckle at her question.

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