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Warning Graphic Content

Desiree POV

I tugged on his pants pulling them down, he gripped my hair pulling me back up roughly

"Oh, so you're one of those guys, you like it rough," I said while licking his neck.

''Don't talk about other guys in front of me'' He growled, and grabbed my neck with one hand and the back of my head with his other hand and pressed his lips against mine he was kissing me slowly and gently as if he was savouring the moment taking his own sweet time, our lips on each other, our tongues moving in sync it's like we were matched for each other, then we started fighting for dominance, our tongue entwined with each other fighting for the upper hand until he gently bit my lip allowing me to just give in to him.

He roughly captured my lips putting a little pressure on my neck and choking me, I moaned feeling my pussy getting wet. I felt my heart beating faster, until he pulled away, looking at me, and it was as if he was looking into my soul.

"Wow, I never thought kissing someone would make me this wet," I said pushing my hand in my panty using two fingers, I take my hand out my juices were running down my finger.

He touched my hand and pulled it towards his mouth and began sucking on wet fingers while looking me in the eye. He pulled me into him and kissed my neck, trailing his mouth over my neck, sucking licking and biting my sweet spot. I moaned softly as he ravished my neck, and my breathing became harder, and I knew for a fact that is drenched.

He pulled off his shirt, putting his torso on display, he wasn't all that buff or scrawny. My eyes trailed from his slender shoulders to his pecs, and his pink nipples, and travelled further down his flat lean tummy. His toned abs. I stopped at his v line, I bit on my lower lips admiring him.

He lifts me and placed me on the counter then began sucking on my neck once more, as he caresses my thighs, he rubbed my covered clit, and I began moaning as I felt my leg shake at his touch.

"I dreamt of fucking you so many times Kkoch, thrusting my dick in your tight little pussy" he said hoarsely, his voice had my legs feeling weak and my pussy throbbing.

"Please, pl-please Kaito" I moaned while trying to grind my pussy on his hand, trying to get some type of friction, but he moved his hand away, teasing me.

"What Kkoch?" He asked whispering in my ears, "What do you want?" He asked again, licking and sucking on my earlobe, that right there is one of my weaknesses.

"Play with my pussy, not my emotions, fuck me!" I said breathing heavily, with my head resting on his shoulders.

"I see you're with another whore again Kaito, oh this time a black one," A male voice said in the kitchen.

I looked over seeing a middle-aged man nevertheless he was handsome he looked like an older version of Kaito, but still, this bitch just called me out of my name well I know I do sleep around but still, he didn't have to rub it in geesh.

"She's not a fucking whore father" Kaito shouted.

I smiled at Kaito, if only he knew, I felt my eyes getting wet, no one has ever defended me before. I closed my eyes and exhaled. I promise myself I would never cry again bad bitches don't cry chanted in my head until I calmed down. I put on my famous smile and kissed his shoulder.

I could feel that man's hateful eyes on me, but I blocked him out.

"Go upstairs Desiree you can wear one of my shirts in my closet," Kaito said, helping me off the counter, I went upstairs and saw his father looking at my butt, and then I heard Kaito say, "What do you want father?"

I looked around the hall there were three doors upstairs I went into the first room. "Wow, guess this is his bedroom" I whispered out loud, it was huge. I stepped in and looked around, the bed sheets were cream white and the floor carpet was black and fluffy, the wallpaper was cream white as well. I walked towards the bed and sprawled out on the bed exhaling, and closing my eyes.


Graphic Sexual Abuse Below

"You're good for nothing bitch all you're good for is being a punching bag and spreading your leg" My uncle shouted, his belt came in contact with my back with so much force I felt like my back was breaking into pieces. I bit down hard on my bottom lip my knees were bruised from being in this position, and on all four, I knew better, than to not make a sound, he enjoys hearing me moan and scream in pain.

"What are you?" He shouted while continuously hitting my back harder than before.

I screamed out in pain he's been doing this for 5 hours now, and I felt my tears dripping down my face and onto the ground.

I coughed, then replied "I'm good for nothing...bitch, all I'm good for is s-spreading my...legs"

"Good girl, remember uncle knows best"

He raised his hand and hit me one more time with his belt, then he sat down in his favourite chair, his throne, he calls it.

"Come here little girl," he said, while taking off his pants, "I'll show you how to please a man because that's all you'll be good at."

I weakly walked over to him, I'm good for nothing I'm good for nothing I repeated in my head. I kneel in front of him, his penis hitting me on my cheek.

"Now open wide, no teeth or I'll beat you so bad you'll be crying to die, and you won't see your Mommy again."

I did as he instructed, too scared to object, he pushed his penis in my small mouth thrusting in and out I felt his penis hitting the back of my throat I gagged and choked, I couldn't breathe properly I was sure I was going to die until he took it out of my mouth, and slapped me across the face, my cheek began to hurt my tears pouring out running on my cheek onto my neck.

"Good for nothing little bitch, can't even suck my dick right" he muttered, and gripped my cheek with his hand, "Listen little girl you suck on my dick like how you sucked on your favourite lollipop"

I nodded meekly, Mom I miss you I'm scared, I don't wanna visit Uncle Brandon any more. Every Summer in July mom made me visit Uncle Brandon ever since I was 9, and now I'm 12. He treated me nicely when Mom is here but she always drops me off and leaves, then returns in August to pick me up, since dad left, she's working harder than ever to provide for us, Uncle Brandon is the only relative she knows who can take care of me while she works.

Uncle Brandon began touching me where Mommy said no man should ever touch, he normally gives me candy then he threatens to kill Mom if I tell her what he was doing I got scared so I complied. He hurts me leaving marks on places people wouldn't see. I felt a slap connecting to my face once again, "Spacing out again little bitch" he said.

"I'm sorry," I said holding my throbbing cheek.

"You get to call me Sir, understand" he shouted.

I nodded furiously, "Yes Sir" I muttered.



"Desiree, Princess" I heard a familiar, soothing voice pulling me from out of my nightmare.

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