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3rd Person

He bit his bottom lip,looking above,and exhaled.

"Okay, this is my last night,until I leave for my trip" He replied,rubbing her legs gently.

"Do you have to go?" Desiree muttered,pulling her foot close to herself wrapping her hands around her legs.

"Yes baby,look I'll be back before you know it,1 Month is nothing,it'll pass, fast"Kaito said,lifting her chin,motioning her to look at him,"You won't even notice it"

"Salanghae" He Said (I Love You So Much),kissing her lips.

"So...you're not gonna fuck me?" Desiree asked,biting her lips.

"Nope" He said popping the P.

"Why not?" She pouted.

He pulled her legs to him,on the couch pulling.

"When I enter your pussy,I want you to be here,100% I'll fuck you until your pussy starts bleeding,mark my words I'll destroy your womb.I'll hit it from every position,every angle,I'll thrust deep inside you,reaching your furthest peak,until your moans get louder,until your moans convert to screams,I promise you. I'll have you moaning my name,I'll fuck your little mouth until you start choking on my dick."He replied,looking intensely in her dark brown eyes.

At this point,his little dirty talk,was making Desiree pussy ache.She could feel her moisture between her legs.

She squeezed her legs tightly together,while smiling at him.She always wanted a guy to fuck her throat.

"I can't wait" she responded.

He took the remote from the coffee table,opening Netflix.

Desiree observed him,taking in all his features.

From his dark black hair,with his bangs hovering above his black eyes.His well structured face,could make anybody drool,then his smile.I mentally drooled.His tattoos were so fucking sexy-

"Wanna take a picture?" he asked,smiling.

"I'd rather take a picture of your dick" she replied,smirking.

He held his hand to his face and started laughing. "You're wild"

"Only for you Daddy" She replied.



The two fell asleep on the couch,with Desiree laying on Kaito's chest and Kaito's arm wrapped around her.

A ping came from Desiree's Phone.

Adonis: Hey Breakfast Tomorrow? :)

Kaito opened his eyes,and took up her phone,he read the message,3 Times,he practiced his breathing exercise,he didn't wanna snap.He took the phone number then deleted the message.

He wrapped his arm around Desiree,holding her  tighter than before,and closed his eyes.

1st Person.

I woke up to Kaito gone,But he left a note on the nightstand.

Baby I Have To Leave,Else I'd Have Miss My Flight.Remember You're Mine.I Love You.
-Love Kaito

I exhaled and walked upstairs,towards my bathroom,showered brush my teeth and applied my makeup and put on my clothes.

I exhaled and walked upstairs,towards my bathroom,showered brush my teeth and applied my makeup and put on my clothes

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I went downstairs,to make breakfast,when I saw another note

Breakfast In The Microwave
- ;) Kai

Best way to my heart is food He could get it.

I smiled and opened the microwave to reheat my food.After I finished eating I locked up and walked out,bumping into someone.

I groaned and held my head.

"We just keep bumping into each other,It must be fate" Adonis said,looking down at me.

I rolled my eyes,and laugh." Hello to you too"

"You want a lift to class?" He asked,twisting his keys around in his hands.

I wanted to say no,but my lazy ass said yes.

"Sure,Thank you"I smiled.

He held his hand,for me to take it.I just smiled,and brushed it off.

I looked at his face,seeing a dark bruise on his cheek.

"What happened to your cheek?" I asked.

"Oh nothing just got into a little fight that's all" He replied,as we walked to his car.
"Why,How-?" I asked,

"This guy wants me to stop talking to his girl" He smirked.

"Wait are u like dating his girl?" I Asked.

"Nope not yet,gotta get rid of him first" He mumbled,and opened the car door for me.

He got in the driver seat,and drove off.As he drove silence took over the atmosphere.

My phone rang breaking the silence.

"Hello" I answered.

"Bitch,We're going to the club tonight at 10pm"Tiana loud ass shouted in my ear.

"Yeah yeah got It,just us?" I questioned.

"You,me and Mauri,Duh" She replied.

"Okay,you at class already?" I Asked her.

"Yeah,the professor isn't here yet though,and you still have 15 minutes until he comes" she replied.

"Okay" I replied,hanging up "See Ya"

"Who's that?" Adonis asked.

"Mind your own business,last time I check,this is MY phone" I replied,a little bit too harsh.

I exhaled afterwards I know I was too harsh,it's just that I miss Kaito.

"You don't miss him,you miss the attention he gives you,don't worry,Adonis here will give u the attention you wants,Kaito won't have to know,he's not here remember,he left you" Dejah  said

Shut The Fuck Up,I cursed in my head.
Fuck I forgot to take my pill.

"You Know Its the truth I give you 2 days to fuck up what you and Kaito have,you know you don't like  commitment,remember I know best"  She Said.

"Shut the fuck up" I mumbled lowly.

"What was that?" Adonis asked,pulling up to the college

"Nothing,thanks for the ride" I replied,walking out.

End Of Chapter Editing May Needed🤦🏾‍♀️ 

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