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Kaito POV


It took me 2 days to find a random guy and plant all the evidence on him, torture him into 'Confessing' I let my father do the honors into killing him. The funeral was held 1 week after their death. I 'mourned' their death along with my father and brother.

I returned back to the hotel room, Desiree must be pissed, I haven't been here in 2 weeks. I had to though I had to stay away from her  I couldn't draw any attention to her I couldn't afford a slip up right now. I groaned as I opened the door. I hope she has been taking her pills.

I stepped inside, empty, immediately, I reached for my gun, slipping on the silencer I crept slowly towards the bedroom. My heart dropped, I knew this wasn't her she wasn't in her right mind but it still hurt.

The image of her on top of a man engraved in my mind, she turned around and smiled lifelessly at me. I looked in her eyes. Lifeless I let my anger got the best of me I threw her off him, her head hitting the wall, but I could care less right now. I held the pistol against his forehead.

He began shouting, ''Please don't kill me, I didn't know I didn't! She seduced me!''

I squeezed the trigger, feeling his blood splat on my T-shirt. I looked on her sitting on the ground holding her head. I knew the reason, why she did it she wasn't in her right mind, I should be upset with her for this, yet I was turned on.

''Come here'' I growled.

She stood up, ready to walk over to me, I shook my head at her, ''Crawl''

She got on all four and crawled towards me.

''Why do you keep on tempting me Dejah''

She looked up at me from her eyelashes, ''I was waiting for you daddy''

I slapped her across the cheek not too harsh but not gently either, emitting a moan from her.

I gripped her neck tightly, throwing her onto the bed, kicking off the dead corpse off the bed.

''You wanted to be fucked that badly'' I said, ''ON ALL FOURS NOW'' I shouted.

She looked at me then went on all fours, arching her back putting her dripping wet pussy on display for me.

I slapped her ass once, hearing her cry, I felt my dick getting hard, I began slapping her again.

''Count'' I spat sternly.











I watched her juices mixed with her cum trailing down her thighs, her body jerking from the ordeal. ''Please daddy'' she murmured softly pushing back her ass.

I had no intention of fucking her especially after he was inside her. I pushed her forward and spun her around roughly, leaning down to her as I wrap my left hand around her neck choking her. I reached towards her clit with my right-hand rubbing her clit hard and faster, giving her no mercy, increasing the pressure of my hand around her neck. She began gagging and her legs jerked. I'm gonna make her cum so hard she won't even think of fucking another man.

She began moving her legs around trying to get me to move my fingers but I held her in place, squeezing her neck tighter ''Behave'' I leaned down to her ear and growled, using my right hand to slap her on her cheek, then returning my hand to her pussy, using my index finger and middle finger to rub against her clit, switching it up I rammed my three fingers inside her pussy while keeping my thumb on her clit.

''I..argh ah go-gon- cum'' She managed to say. I watched her face as I finger fuck her hard and choked her, her eyes rolling over until she exploded on my fingers I felt her cum hard on my fingers, then she blacked out.

I withdrew my fingers and walked to the bathroom, using spraying some handwash on my hand and began washing my hand. I punched the mirror, shattering it in pieces, taking deep breaths as I count to 10. I return to the room and opened the closet, taking out a large traveling back I stuffed his dead corpse inside and began cleaning up the mess I lifted her up in bridal style using my hand to skilfully drag off the sheet then I place her on the bed.

After I finish cleaning up, I took the bag outside, I was grateful for the dark night. I put the bag in my car trunk, and called my father's clean up man Jiesung to get rid of the body.

I went back to our room, and went to the balcony, pulling out a blunt. She'll be the death of me, but I don't care, If she dies I'll die with her if I'm gonna die I'll take her with me, no one deserves her but me, no one can handle her but me. She's my oxygen she is the sole reason why I'm alive. She belongs to me.  I'll kill for her. It's toxic I know but this is how our love is. Its not fucking cherry blossoms and fluff. Just two troubled souls. She's mine first, mine last and mine even in the grave.

Because that's how love works. It doesn't die even when you don't feed it. That's just the way it is I wouldn't change it even if I could, loving her has become apart of who I am -R.K. Lilley

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