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2 Hours Earlier

He left a lingering kiss on her lips, he pulled back to look into her eyes "What do you want?"

As he asked the question he reached down between her thick thighs, She gasps out loudly, spreading her legs wide, as an open invitation.

"Is this what you want?" He asked as he rubbed his thumb up and down her covered pussy, feeling her wetness absorbing the dry fabric.

"Fuck...yes please" She moaned, grinding her pussy against his thumb adding more friction.

"I'm dying to bury my dick inside your tight pussy" He promised near her ear."But first I want to hear you screaming my name while I fuck you with my tongue"

Desiree POV


Adonis pulled up to my college after I put in the address in his GPS.

''So will I see you later?'' he asked, turning around looking at me.

''Uhm...I got some stuff to get done, assignments and such'' I mumbled.

I heard the notification bell, on my phone indicating I just received a message. I unlocked my seat belt and opened the door.

''Thanks again for breakfast'' I replied with a smile.

''Anytime beautiful, bye'' He replied, flashing me that god damn smile.

''Bye''I replied.

I walked out of the car, and he drove off. I walked towards the door, I could hear the whispers and gossip about me already, I walked in and took one look outside, and saw Kaito standing outside right beside a tree from across the parking lot. He pointed at me then at his phone.

I looked at my phone seeing his message.

Kaito: Who The Fuck Is He?

I nervously licked my lip and looked up, he was gone,he just vanished. I took a  deep breath then exhaled, then walked to my lecture.

During the lecture, I couldn't focus, at all.
As I walked out of the building I saw a MAC Black Rolls Royce parked in the parking lot. Someone was leaning against it.

I took a deep breath and walked over to him.

"Hey" I smiled, looking at his gorgeous face.

"Hey" His reply seemed dead, He opened the car door for me to get in.

I looked at him and went in the car and he walked around and came In, he was not looking at me at all, he wasn't looking me in the eyes.

"How was your day?" I asked while playing with my fingers.

"Twas okay" He grunted, starting the car, driving off.

"Did you just say 'Twas?' " I asked, laughing.

I saw him looking at me, Then he smiled.

"So what if I did?" He questioned.

"It just sounds weird" I replied.

He pulled up to his apartment, walking around to open my door.

"I can open the door, for myself you know" I mumbled, not really use to these chivalry acts.

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