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After I went to Desiree's house I waited in the bedroom for her, I watched her as she went in the bathroom, she was taking a long time in there, I got worried and went inside and saw her bloody hands ,she was sitting on the floor with her hands across her knees asleep. I bit my lip looking at her naked body.

Not the time Kaito, I cleaned up her hands then lifted her up, turning off the shower then dressed her in a pyjama top and underwear and leggings. I put her in bed and cover her with the blanket, I looked at her tear stained face. Its extra-terrestrial how this girl have such a powerful hold over me. She have my heart. I never want to see her get hurt I just wanna protect her, I was angry at my Dad For 7 whole years when he took me to Korea, I didn't get to see her in so long.

''What did u have to endure, when I wasn't here'' I whispered, softly caressing her curly fro then kissed her forehead. I went for her bonnet and place it on her head.

''I Love you Desiree Huley'' I whispered in her ear, I felt her hands grabbed on to my chest, tightly and she murmured my name softly.

Does she remembers? she used to call me Kai when we were younger, does this means she's getting her memories back. I smiled and lay right beside her falling asleep beside my sleeping beauty

(I Lowkey Cringed at That Lol😂🤦‍♀️)




''Where were you last night?'' I asked Desiree on the phone, she stayed quiet for a moment I could hear her breathing through the phone.

Last night I saw her coming out of a guy's car, I wanted to see if she'll lie.

''Desiree'' I called her again, more firmly this time.

Desiree Pov

''Where were you?'' he repeated, more firmly.

My heartbeat accelerated, my palms started to get sweaty, the phone felt slippery in my hand, so I switched it from my left hand to my right hand, rubbing my hand on my jeans. My throat felt constricted and dry, it felt almost as if I can't breathe.

I was never like this this is all because of him and that stupid dream, ever since that dream with Kai, I develop this sense of bashfulness. Somehow, I feel connected to him in a weird way, now I know for a fact we have met before as he said.

''Desiree'' he said more softly, snapping me out of my thoughts.

''I-I- I was with a friend, I told you'' I mumbled, my stomach suddenly jumps I felt disappointed in myself for lying to him.

The image of His lifeless body flashed before my eyes, once again my nerved failed me, my hands started shaking, so I closed my eyes, and counted to ten, then reopen them.

''Desiree, I miss you, can I see you?'' Kai asked.

''Sure yeah'' I mumbled.

''Are you okay?'' he asked softly.

And It was that 3 words that made me broke down, I started sobbing, crying for Tyson, he didn't deserve to die, crying for my brother Shaun, who committed suicide at age 17 because he was gay and was being bullied for it at his school and by our mom, crying for what He and his friends did to me, crying at the fact that my mom created this new me, my uncle ignited it and I let it sparked even more.

I slid to the ground and pulled my knee up to my chest, wrapping my hand around my legs, burying my face in my legs, and let the tears fall.



I heard the door opened, I didn't even bother to look who it was, I felt someone took me in their arms and place me on their laps and wrap their arms around me I pushed my face into their neck, smelling this familiar cologne.


I hugged him tightly, while crying.

''너는 괜찮을거야. 너를 항상 보호 해줄 것을 약속한다. 너를 사랑해, 지금 여기 있어요'' He whispered in my ear.

(Translation: You'll Be Alright I Promise to Always Protect You I Love You, I'm Here Now)

I lifted my head looking in his eyes, then his lips, I leaned in and started kissing him, he returned the kiss back softy, there was something different about his kisses, his touch and hugs, it felt as if he lit up my pitch dark canvas, he's the painter I'm the blank canvas, but he's making a beautiful art.

I wrapped my arm around his shoulder, as the kiss increases and intensified, he gripped onto my waist slowly, our tongues entwined with each other with his other hand he caressed my face.

''I want you'' I murmured, softly my body felt hot, and he was the only one who could extinguish this blazing fire inside of me, I started grinding on his crotch.

He gripped my waist, stopping me, and pulled back from the kiss.

''We need to talk Desiree, isn't this what a relationship is about communication, not only sex'' He said to me holding my cheeks with both hands.

I pushed his hands away from my cheek and getting up turning around.

''I don't want to talk'' I replied. ''I want to fuck, and if you aren't gonna give that to me then leave, or I'll find it somewhere else'' Dejah replied, taking over, with an attitude, walking away.

No, I tried screaming, trying to gain control, you're gonna make me lose a person who I really care about.

I felt a harsh grip on my arm, whipping me around.

''THE FUCK YOU JUST SAY'' He shouted, his eyes got angry, looking at me, I looked at his hand on my arm, he was squeezing my arm harshly, bet that's gonna leave a bruise.

''I'm gonna fuck someone else, if you don't wanna fuck me period'' she looked at him in the eyes, repeating what I said slowly.

He pressed down harder on my arm, drawing blood, I winced but still looking in his eyes.

He gripped my neck and pushed me against the wall, choking me, while punching the wall right beside my face, I felt the cool wind swooshes across my face.

''Don't fuck with me Desiree, fuck around, I might kill you and that bastard'' He said calmly through his teeth.

At this point I was choking, but I didn't make one sound, I just felt my panties getting wet, jokes on him, because I like this shit.

Freaky Bitch

''I'M NOT FUCKING PLAYING WITH YOU DESIREE'' He shouted again, slamming my head against the wall.

Okay that made my head hurt, I felt dizzy, so I tried pushing him off me.

''Fuck you Kai'' Dejah managed to say.

He was pissed I could tell, he punched the wall once more.

''I'm going to leave before I do something I regret'' He said, pushing me one last time against the wall, walking out.

''Fucking pussy'' Dejah murmured.

Why'd you have to go and do that!'' I shouted, ''You just can't let me be happy for once do you''

''Whatever, it won't last, it's not like you're gonna marry him, you already know Hoe life Or No Life'' Dejah replied.

''Give me back control Dejah'' I shouted.

''No'' she replied.


''And I say no, bitch you stupid, and why the fuck is you taking those pills, one pill won't do sweetie, why don't you pop 10''

''Leave me alone and GET THE FUCK OUT'' I screamed.

Then I Blacked Out.

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