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''Kaito'' Desire mumbled.

''Shh, save your energy Kkoch'' Kaito replied.

Kaito took out his knife from his shoes, he began cutting the rope. After losing himself he went over to Desiree and cut the rope on her hand and foot.

''Can you stand?'' Kaito asked.


''We'll knock him out and kill when he enters okay, be prepared, for when he returns.'' Kaito said.

Desiree meekly nodded. Kaito's eyes linger on her flat stomach. He was determined to keep her safe. He swore to himself she'll get out alive along with his unborn child.

Kaito stand on the opposite side of the door, while Desiree stood at the opposing side, they stood there for a few minutes until they heard the sound of the doorknob. The moment the figure stepped inside Kaito slashed the back of his throat. He instinctively grabbed onto the back of his throat and slowly turn around. The man eyes widened before he fell to the ground. Kaito searched his body for any weapons or keys, finding a knife he handed it to Desiree.

''Let's go'' Kaito said, looking outside carefully. With Desiree right on his heel.

They went down a narrow hallway trying to find the exit. Reaching a door, Kaito, held his finger on his lips indicating a 'shh' motion. Desiree nodded slowly, he opened the door and stepped in, finding an empty room. Kaito stepped in first, checking the room. They exit the room and went down the large staircase, it creaked at the first step.

''Take your time don't put step too hard'' Kaito whispered to Desiree. She nodded and took her time going downstairs. When she reached down the stairs Kaito slowly went down the stairs.

''Kaito behind you'' Desiree shouted.

''Hello brother where are you going so soon the party just started'' Seung said, smiling. He grabbed Kaito and put him in a headlock, squeezing his head tightly.

''You think your little deranged princess and you was gonna get out of here alive'' He said.

Desiree threw her knife at Seung, the knife stabbed him in the eyes, he let go of Kaito and squirm in pain as he held onto his eyes. ''Fucking whore, MEN KILL THEM!'' He roared.

8 Men ran into the room holding their guns at Kaito and Desiree, Kaito eye met with one of the men, Jang, he was the leader of the group he knew him. Kaito then began putting his plan into action.

''Don't shoot'' He said, ''You don't want to kill me, I'm the sole survivor and heir of the Moriyama Group. Seung manipulated you guys. He was the one who killed his mother our family, he set the house on fire, he wanted to take over the family business for himself. Why do you think he wants to kill me, He wants to wipe out the Moriyamas so he can be the sole survivor, that way he'll take over the business. He knows I know his secret that's why he wants to kill me. Drop your weapon and I assure you guys that I'll reward you guys handsomely, and I might even throw in a promotion.

''DON'T BELIEVE HIM HE'S LYING'' Seung said, holding onto his now bloody eye, ''KILL THE RIGHT NOW'' He screamed. ''They fucking murdered my family.''

''Don't believe him Seung has always been bipolar since he was younger, he has been diagnosed with schizophrenia ever since we were young. He killed our father now that I'm the last one he wants to kill me. Don't believe me, I'll be getting a call in 3, 2,1''

Kaito cell phone began ringing.

''I'm reaching for my phone'' Kaito said out loud.

He answered the phone and put it on speaker.

''Lee, tell them'' He spoke.

''It was Seung he murdered them poor Mrs Moriyama and the girls, he even killed his own father, I witness it myself, he killed Mr Moriyama in cold blood.'' Lee let out.

Good job Lee Kaito said to himself, he watched the men lowered their guns.

''DIE YOU FUCKING BITCHES'' Seung shouted, pulling out a knife running towards Desiree and Kaito, but he was too slow, a bullet connected to the middle of his head. Kaito smirked looking down at his lifeless body beneath him. He then got my in character and turned around.

''Are you okay Mr Moriyama?'' Jang asked.

''I'm sorry we had our gun at you'' He apologized and bowed.

''That's fine'' Kaito replied, pulling Desiree towards him, pushing his head into her neck inhaling her scent with his hand on her flat tummy.

''Let's go home yeah.'' He said, taking her hand his and they left the warehouse. Police siren could be heard from the warehouse, the police pulled up. Kaito and Jang explained everything to them, they took away the bodies in the warehouse.

Jang opened the car door, and Kaito and Desiree entered.

''Is it over?'' Desiree asked, leaning into Kaito.

''Yeah now sleep Kkoch'' Kaito replied, placing a kiss on her head.

When they reached the hotel, they began packing their stuff to return back home. Kaito made some calls, now that he is the head of the Moriyama Group, he is now President.

He smiled as he looked in the mirror. How easy it was to have Desiree killed them, then blame it on Seung, my plan worked out perfectly he thought. He took off his clothes and took a shower. Meanwhile Desiree laid on the bed asleep.

The next morning Desiree woke up, running to the toilet as she threw up. Kaito got up and followed her into the bathroom. He almost felt bad for replacing her birth controls with vitamin C pills. Hearing her puke her guts out.

Desiree got up from off her knees and went to the sink, Kaito handed her toothbrush.

She began brushing her teeth in silence. Kaito didn't know what to say he didn't want to upset her, he didn't want her to snap at him, she couldn't possibly know what I've been doing right he asked himself.

She washed out her mouth and entered the shower, Kaito flushed the toilet, close it and sat on the seat.

''Desiree'' He broke the silence.

''I'm not pregnant'' She replied blankly. She turned on the shower tab and started showering.

Kaito left the bathroom and called one of his men to buy 6 pregnancy tests. Desiree came out of the bathroom and got dressed.

''Room service?'' He asked.

''Yeah'' she replied, climbing back into bed pulling the blanket over her head.

''I want seafood'' Desiree blurted out.

''But you hate seafood, plus isn't it too early for seafood.'' He replied.

She gave him a deadpan stare, ''Shut the fuck up, I want seafood now'' She groaned.

''Not pregnant my ass'' Kaito mumbled to himself, calling room service to order her seafood.

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