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(''Bold Writing Means Her Personality Switched. Her Other Personality Is Speaking'')

'Miss me sweetheart?'' The handsome angel who is actually a devil in disguise asked.

Meet James Claherty. The bad omen in my past the guy who introduced me to drugs, the guy who taught me drugs will make u feel better. The guy who shares me with his friends. The guy who manipulated me in thinking I loved him at a point I thought I developed Stockholm Syndrome. I was just infatuation with the thought of escaping into oblivion.

He gave me that opening away from my perverted uncle away from my crackhead mom away from external pain. What I wasn't prepared for was the internal pain that comes along with him. He used me but I allowed it because I used him also, He gave me food and shelter I fuck him simple.

I left when he had his friends gangbang me, leaving me with cuts and bruises, sometimes I can still feel the dried blood between my thighs the taste and smell of cum all over me, the bruises from their metal belt buckle on my back.

They say even the devil was once an angel.


I felt my heartbeat increasing, I looked into his dark brown eyes, sometimes it feels as if he has captured me in an alluring chant

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I felt my heartbeat increasing, I looked into his dark brown eyes, sometimes it feels as if he has captured me in an alluring chant. At a point he degraded me, he made me think I actually needed him to survive he's my oxygen I'm the feeble creature. No, I don't love him in fact I loathe him. Yet he has the pull over me which I can't shake off.

Whenever I feel anxious, scared, agitated She comes out to play.

''Can't speak darling?'' he asked once again, extending his hand pushing a loose curl away from my face, leaning into me his mouth a few inches away from my neck.

''Des, who's at the door'' Tia shouted.

I snapped out of it and pushed him back, watching him stumble, his eye twitch, he grabbed me by the choke squeezing my throat, his thumb and index finger sinking into my skin like a snake capturing its prey sinking his vile teeth into the feeble animal. I looked into his eyes, at this point in time I'm immune to it, I should be in pain but no I felt my pussy getting wet, call me a masochist. He played a part in making me like this, He Broke me out of my shell.

''Answer her.... lie'' he whispered in my ear, releasing my throat slowly.

''It's some guy asking for address, he doesn't know the area'' I said, biting my lips looking at him.

''Tia I'm about to leave I have a lecture tomorrow'' I said

''Oh...Ok I'll see you at class tomorrow'' she replied.

''Yeah''I replied walking outside with my hand in his.

I don't want to do this...

Don't Go.

Shut up, I'm in control now.


𝕰𝖖𝖚𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖞 𝕯𝖊𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖉||ᴀᴍʙᴡWhere stories live. Discover now