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Hm?" I muttered, stretching my hand out, wrapping my hand around his neck and pulling him down on the bed with me.

"I'm sorry about that, he's my father "he replied, wrapping his arms around me and pushing his face into my breast.

''Does your Dad always drop in unannounced?'' I asked while playing with his hair and looking at the ceiling.

''Nwoo'' He muffles, while sucking my nipple through the T-shirt I have on.

''Kai...to'' I moaned biting my lips and feeling a sharp pain on my nipple, my phone started ringing interrupting us.

''Don't answer it'' He mumbles and pulled my shirt up exposing my breast he continued sucking on my right nipple while rolling the other one in an anti-clockwise motion pinching and tugging harshly. I bit down on my bottom lip, ignoring my phone.

The phone continued ringing until I got annoyed and answer it,


''Who's this?'' I answered annoyingly, Cockblock I thought.

''Hoe, you don't know your own best friend's voice, wow, so you gone flex on me like that'' Tiana, my best friend said.

''No sis, you just interrupted'' I said, playing in Kaito's hair. ''So wassup are you okay?''

''Are you still coming to the spot with us later?''

I looked at the time on my phone and put the phone back to my ear.

''Sure, yeah'' I replied.

''By the way you with James?'' she asked

''Who?'' I asked jokingly, ''Just kidding and no you'll find out who soon, Bye Tia'' I said, hanging up my phone.

''Who was that? 'Kaito asked while sitting up, pulling my legs towards him, so my legs lay on his.

''My best friend I replied.'' Kaito I gotta go.''

''Where?'' he asked looking at me.

I looked away trying to look everywhere but his face.

''My friend needs my help with something'' I said ''I'll see you tomorrow.''

I got up and walked through the door.

''Will you be back? 'He asked ''The key is under the mat' 'he added.

I nodded even though he couldn't see me and walked downstairs putting on my pants leaving my top, I'll just wear his I thought, sniffing the shirt It smells good. I pulled his shirt over my head and put on my shoes and jacket. He came downstairs and leaned against the wall. ''Take care'' He said. I nodded and smiled at him then left his apartment.

I walked to the bus stop pushing my hands in my jacket feeling a stack of paper I took it out, looking at it about $300. I stuffed it back in my pocket where the fuck did I- Oh Kaito I thought. It's so weird if it was any other guy, I would be feeling so happy but now I felt uncomfortable, should I give him back? I thought I exhaled and hop on the bus pushing my hand in my other pocket and taking out my $10 to pay.

Kaito POV

Why didn't I stop her I thought, pinching the bridge of my nose. It always takes me some time to find her back, she tends to run off. I felt anxious that she'll leave again and not come back. I put on my black t-shirt and black jeans pants and my leather jacket. I called my brother Seung, telling him to bring my car to my apartment. I took my pills and head out.

I miss her, her beautiful round faces her smooth chocolate skin her curly afro hair, and her plump lips. I closed my eyes trying to contain my boner.

''Fuck'' I muttered.

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