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Kaito place 6 pregnancy test on the bathroom counter. ''Come on Desiree we don't have all day'' He said, folding his arms, watching her sit on the bathroom pouting.

''I don't understand why I have to do this I'm not pregnant'' She let out as she rolled her eyes.

''Throwing up for the past 4 days, cravings for seafood, we both know you hate seafood, the last time when you were younger and I gave you seafood you threw up, not to mention, you look a little bit chubby'' He added on. They were supposed to leave this week, but Desiree started feeling sick, so they'd have to leave this weekend, which is tomorrow.

She stared hard at him and threw the roll of tissue at him he ducked it and exhaled. ''Come one Kkoch please for me'' He said, kneeling in front of her. She rolled her eyes, holding her hand out for the test.

Kaito face lit up, he pecked her on the cheek and handed her the test.  ''Well'' She looked at him.

''Oh, you want me to leave?'' He asked, ''But I wanna stay It wouldn't be the first time I watched you pe- '' Another roll of tissue connected in his face. He chuckled and exit the bathroom, rubbing on his cheek. He rested on the door. I know she is pregnant, why is she in denial he wondered.

After 2 minutes, Desiree told him she was finished, Kaito entered the bathroom, they both looked on all the 6 pregnancy stick.


''See I told you I wasn't pregnant'' Desiree argued.






''Then what does these say?'' Kaito teased. ''You're pregnant Kkoch'' He said throwing his arms around her.

She pushed him away, ''I don't want it'' She blurted out.

''What? repeat that for what did you just say Desiree'' Kaito said sternly.

She looked away from him, ignoring him, he held onto her jaw tightly squeezing.

''You're hurting me'' Desiree groaned, trying to pull away from him.

''I said. What.the.fuck.did.you.just.say?'' He asked once more.

She tried to avoid his eyes, but he forced her to look at him, her eyes began to swell with tears.

''I can't be a mother'' She blurted out, with tears falling down her cheek.

Kaito, let go of her jaw and rub both hands over his face as he pushed back his hair from his face.

''I-I-I'm sorry K-Kaito'' She hiccups, as she wiped her tears with her sleeve.

He held onto her shoulders and brought her closer to him, hugging her. ''Shhh don't worry Kkoch I'll be with you each day, this is new for me too, we're both novice but we'll make it work we'll learn. I know you will be a good mother. I love you Kkoch'' Kaito said, wiping her ear form her cheek with his thumb.

Kaito lowered himself to the floor and stood on one knee, taking out the diamond ring his mother gave him. His mother always knew he was going to marry Desiree. She gave the ring to him and told him to give it to her when the time is right.

''Will you marry me?'' he blurted out.

Desiree, began crying even more and nodded her head ''Yes YES''

He slid the diamond rock onto her finger and hugged her once more, ''I love you baby you and my beautiful bean'' He said touching her tummy.

Kaito connected their lips together, he slipped his tongue between her lips He entered her mouth, thrusting his tongue inside with an eager moan. Desiree returned his kiss she hopped on him wrapping her legs around his waist. He place her back against the wall, with their lips locked on each other. He pulled down her blouse revealing her small perky breasts, he latched his lips onto her breast sucking on her brown nipples.

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