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3rd POV

The next morning Kaito came in, he saw Desiree asleep on the bed on her tummy, he kissed her on the cheek and went to the bathroom to take a shower and brushed his teeth.

He saw a match in the bin, but he shrugged it off. He went back inside the room and turned the tv on.

''어제 밤 폭발이 일어 났고, 어제 모리야마 감독의 집에서 화재가 발생했으며, 집안의 7 명은 감독의 아내와 딸을 포함하여 사망했습니다.'' (I USED GOOGLE DONT DRAG ME T_T)

(Translation: An explosion happened last night, a fire broke out last night at the house of the director of Moriyama, 7 people inside the house died including the Director's wife and daughters.)

He froze for a minute and went back inside the bathroom, looking at the match. He knew this was bad of him to be thinking Desiree was behind this but, he knew the real her, he knew she was sick he knew what she was capable of. He flushed the match down the drain. He sat on the toilet seat with his hand covering his face. He didn't like them, but he never wanted them to die.

''Kaito'' He heard her voice.

He exhaled, and went outside, putting on a smile on his face, ''Morning baby'' He replied, dragging her by the foot pulling her closer to him and kissed her on the forehead. He promised he'd protect her, even if it means her dragging him down to hell he'll willingly go with her. She was his life after all.

''Oh my god, Kaito isn't that your father's house, it's on fire look, is everyone inside okay?'' She asked.

''They all died, including the maid and cook'' Kaito replied stoically, ''You hungry?''

''Why are you so calm?'' She questioned, ''Your family just died.'' She questioned,'' I know they were trash to me but still, you know what fuck them- why am I trynna defend them Lord forgive me'' she muttered, ''I'm not finna speak ill of the dead.''

She got up and went to the bathroom and closed the door.

Kaito turned on his phone, so many notifications began flowing in, he groaned I am not ready to deal with all of this he thought.

Kaito groaned then sent a "sad" text to his Dad. He'd have to put on a front now. He wasn't ecstatic that they died but he wasn't sad either, he didn't want to say they got what they deserve but that's what they get for insulting Desiree. It may sound harsh but he cared.

He knocked on the bathroom door, as he called dor Desiree, no answer... he mumbled he pushed the door once more, he kicked the door with all his strength, seeing a dent in the door made me smile then he kicked it once more, revealing the broken and dejected Desiree, she was curled up in a ball with streams down her cheeks mumbling "I'm sorry I'm sorry"

He rushed over to her taking her head in his lap, "hey hey it's not your fault" Kaito tried to convince her.

"But it is, I was the one who k-" She replied, as Kaito cut her off.

"NO" He replied firmly, holding her cheeks with his hands, " that wasn't you, don't worry come take your pills" he murmured.

He knew what he signed up for, he knew about her split personality, the first time he saw this was when they were 12, He suspected something was wrong with Desiree after she came back from her Uncle's she was always acting weird, the last time she met her uncle he followed her mom and her, in a taxi. Till this day Desiree thought she was the one who killed her Uncle but it was me. I had to do it I had to kill him he was hurting my Kkoch. I will protect her, even if my life depended on it.

He went for her suitcase, taking out her pills and taking up a bottled water. He went back inside the room seeing her curled up on the bed, it made him sad to see her like this, he exhales and went over to her nudging her softly.

''Baby'' He said.

''Baby, here come on'' He said.

He lifted her up, and set her on his lap pushing the pills in her mouth, then held the water bottle against her lips.

''Here drink'' He replied.

He slowly poured the water in her mouth, as she began to swallow. After she drank a good amount Kaito closed the bottle and kissed her on the forehead.

''I'll Always Protect You'' He whispered in her ear, leaning his forehead to hers.



''당신이 의미하는 것은 어떤 추적도 찾을 수 없습니다 '' my father shouted into his phone.


'' 이 가능한 빨리 찾은 사람'' He shouted


''We'll find the bastard who did this father,'' Kaito replied angrily.

''I'm putting you on the job, Kaito find the bastard who did this to our Family'' He said in Korean.

'' Just give me 3 days'' I replied, bowing my head. 

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