Chapter 6. Change

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"Elizabeth! No! Please, just listen to me!"

I moved even closer until I was five feet away from her.

She opened her eyes, tears falling.

"I thought you said I should just kill myself? Why are you stopping me?"

She then started crying and my eyes started tearing up, too.

Oh, shit. Oh, shit!

"I'm so, so sorry, Elizabeth. I was fucking stupid for saying that. I really am sorry. Please, just put the gun down. I don't want you dead, okay? And neither do your parents."

We stared at each other in silence for a good three minutes. It seemed as though she was having second thoughts so I gazed at her, my eyes pleading for her not to pull the trigger.

"Please, Elizabeth, put the gun down." I said as I reached my hand to her.

She didn't put the gun down but it was evident that she was hesitating, so I slowly walked closer.

And closer.

And closer.

Until I was right in front of her.

I reached up my left hand and held hers that had the gun. Then I slowly guided it away from her head.

Carefully snatching the gun, I then threw it far away from her.

It landed near the door.

Then I looked at her. Her head was down and she was sobbing softly.

She slowly fell down on her knees, and I followed. I reached for her face and cupped her cheeks.

Then she looked at me.

Her eyes, her nose, her whole face was red.

"Are you okay? I'm so sorry." I said sincerely.

That's when she broke down into tears.

I wrapped my arms around her.

"I—just—wante—wanted to—to die so I—would—wouldn't—be a burden—anymore—"

She hiccuped in between uncontrollable sobs.

I hugged her tightly.

"I'm sorry."

It was all I could say. I just let her cry into my arms. I hadn't noticed that my eyebrows were knitted out of worry.

I felt slightly relieved that she was in my arms at the moment, and not dead on the floor.

I didn't know she was suicidal. I didn't know how serious this kind of thing was until I saw it almost happening right before my eyes.

I guess, to other people, it would look like she was just seeking attention. But to witness someone who's about to kill themselves in front of you is a terrifying experience.

Especially when you know it's your fault.

I felt so bad for her, and so guilty for bullying her to this point. She must've been thinking about it for weeks now, and I didn't even know it. I didn't even know that my words would trigger her to do this.

At the same time, I thought of how fortunate it had been for the both of us.

It was fortunate that I had this feeling in my chest that led me to follow her, to check on her, even though it felt weird and uncomfortable for me. And though I almost hesitated at the last minute, I was glad that I had tried opening the door to the female's restroom.

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