Chapter 13. Wait, What?

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- March 20, 2018 -


9:40 a.m. Seoyeon and I were talking about our project. I told her I'll do the problem solving, while she designs the notebook.

Park seonsaeng-nim gave us this small project yesterday, just for the week. We were supposed to make this notebook that contains mathematical problems and how to solve them.

It wasn't hard at all. Problem solving was the easiest part, to be honest. In fact, we could finish this earlier than Friday, which is the deadline. But the thing is, I didn't know how to approach Seoyeon.

It's not that I was shy. Well, I was, a little. But that's because I'm not close with her, and the fact that she used to be my ultimate crush was not helping at all. She looked, well, pretty. And I was shy.

A little.

Since it was just a small project, Park seonsaeng-nim grouped us by pairs. I was originally going to choose either Donghyuck or New Girl. But Donghyuck, being Donghyuck, already proclaimed that New Girl is his partner, without even telling me or her.

He practically shouted for the whole class to hear. I widened my eyes, then furrowed my eyebrows at him, but he just scrunched up his nose at me.

New Girl, on the other hand, didn't have any idea what or how it happened because she was absent yesterday. She just found it out when Donghyuck told her about it on our group chat.

Yep, she's in our group chat. A new one, rather.

Last week, we have come to the decision to add her to our exclusive social media group. Jaemin suggested it, and we all agreed. We made a new one, though. Our old group chat remained the same, just for us guys. They had a small meaningless fight over who will add her. So while they were at it, I just added her.

I was sitting beside Seoyeon at the front row so I could talk to her properly. Jin, who was originally beside Seoyeon, switched seats with me in the meantime because he was Hyo's partner.

Meanwhile, Donghyuck and New Girl were talking about their project, and sort of fighting over who will do the problem solving. When Seoyeon and I were done discussing, I turned to face New Girl, who was right behind me.

"Need help?" I offered, feeling that the two needed it.

"Yes! Please!" Donghyuck whined at me.

"Why didn't you tell me so? We're already done discussing ours." I said, turning around on the chair so I could face them. New Girl was listing down some things on her notebook. "So, which part do you need help with?"

"Ask him." She replied disinterestedly without looking at me, and she just continued writing down on her notebook.

"Ooh. Someone's having a bad day today." I teased her.

She glared at me, and I actually felt this invisible electric zap coming from her eyes.

She must really be in a bad mood.

I've never seen her like this before. I mean, back when I used to bully her, she wasn't like this. Yes, she'll be annoyed and angry, but not like this.

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