Chapter 12. Girls

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The first week of school passed by smoothly, and we were slowly adjusting to the new schedule. Classes weren't hard and stressful yet since it's just the first week, so my friends and I were still able to have fun.

On Wednesday, all six of us hung out in the Music room during break time. We played and sang some songs together. It sounded even more beautiful with New Girl on the piano. We also played some of the songs that I wrote in front of her, and she was pretty amazed.

On Friday, we brought her to the arcade for the first time. She sucked at basketball and some of the car-racing games, anything that had driving in it. But our jaws dropped when she played those horror games with shooting guns. She owned it.

"What? It's not that hard. I play these all the time." She had said.

The weekend also passed by smoothly. There were homework on some subjects so we all didn't get to hang out. But I finished mine all on Saturday morning until noon, then I worked on my new lyrics.

By Sunday, it was finished. So I tried playing it on my guitar and man was it good.

I knew my friends will love it.

I knew my friends will love it

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- March 13, 2018 -


8:10 a.m. I looked over at Seoyeon, who was sitting at the front row near the door. Donghyuck, who was on my left, suddenly cleared his throat and whispered to me, "wonderstruck, aren't we?"

"Huh?" I looked at him and saw him grinning at me.

"You've been staring at Seoyeon for ten minutes now. Elizabeth is getting jealous." He said, his head pointing to New Girl.

I looked at her, who was sitting next to me on my right side. She was just doodling on her notebook. She must've noticed that we were staring at her because she suddenly glanced at us and said, "what?"

"Nothing." We just smiled at her and shook our heads.

I glanced at Seoyeon again before finally focusing on our English teacher, who just arrived. She looked even prettier than before.

Seoyeon used to be my ultimate crush back in tenth grade, before I started flirting with Hyo and other girls. She was pretty, she was smart, she was talented. And she was every guy's dream girl. Even my friends liked her back then.

But before we could even get to know her, she left school. She only spent two months here before getting home-schooled due to health reasons. We never heard from her again after she left.

That's why we were so shocked when she came back here just yesterday, and I even have three classes with her which were English, Math, and Homeroom.

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