Chapter 28. Party Crashers

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- August 10, 2018 -


8:25 a.m. I woke up from a nice dream. It was about Elizabeth.

I've been having really nice dreams about her lately. Not the weird kind. I mean, dreams are weird, but the ones about her were the good kind of weird. Like this one night, we were at a garden and she was chasing butterflies and the sun was setting over the horizon and she looked so beautiful in her yellow sundress.

The other night was about us having a stroll on the beach, hand-in-hand, and talking about a possible date that I wanted to take her to. She asked me, "isn't this a date already?" to which I said, "it is. But I wanna take you to a fancy dinner date," in which she replied, "you don't have to take me on a fancy date. I prefer being at home and watching movies and eating snacks and napping."

When I woke up, I wanted to go to her house, snacks in hand, and have a movie marathon with her. It wasn't just in the dream that she prefers to watch movies and eat snacks and nap, she really loves those things in real life.

Last night, however, my dream about her was a little different than the usual sunsets and beach strolls and pretty sundresses.

It was night time, and we were under the stars, the dark sky, and the bright full moon. I remembered she was wearing a long beautiful white dress. It wasn't a wedding dress, sadly, but it was a really nice dress. Her hair was falling down to her sides, and she was wearing some sort of crown with white roses. She looked like a goddess.

She was standing on a field, looking up at the bright moon. I remembered being beside her, and I was just looking at her, gazing at her. I remembered smiling at her when she closed her eyes, her face still directed upwards to the sky. We were talking about something, but I couldn't remember what it was about. All I remember before I woke up was that she smiled up at the moon, and she said, "I'll wait for you."

It was a nice dream. But I didn't know what it meant.

I sat up on my bed and collected my soul before I stood up and stretched. The sun was shining through the windows, lighting up my room.

It was going to be a good day, I could feel.

It was still early, but I couldn't wait for the afternoon to roll around because Elizabeth and I are going to check off another item on her list.

We decided to do number 37, which was for her to drive a car, and I was going to teach her.

I freshened up a bit in the bathroom before going down to the kitchen to join my aunt and uncle for breakfast. I greeted them good morning just as I appeared, and they greeted me back happily.

It's been three months since I've moved to their home, and Aunt Yeoreum and Uncle Minseok have kept their word of taking good care of me.

Sure I've caused some minor problems and they've been mad at me occasionally, but that's because I'm still a teen and I tend to cause trouble at times. But that didn't stop them from wanting to take care of me. They were more than willing to do so, and I was really grateful for that. They were my family now.

I was about to start eating when Aunt Yeoreum suddenly mentioned that there was a delivery for me.

"Who's it from?" I asked her.

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